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Armstrong On Why Cycles Exist

QUESTION: I was listening to a podcast on Bloomberg interviewing Peter Borsch who I remember you know for the two of you were together on a cycle research board and he worked for Paul Tudor Jones who handed me a copy of the Greatest Bull Market you wrote back in 1986. That was my introduction […]

Benchmarks to False Moves – The Constant Cycle of Change

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said China will become the financial capital of the world after 2032. That means the US must decline. At the same time, you have been consistent in forecasting a bull market in the U.S. share market when everyone else keeps calling for a crash. Are the two connected in some […]

Why Science Fails to Understand Cycles – They Lack the Connections

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Interesting attempt at the cycle analysis for a MAJOR earthquake. Why do you think they make these predictions, when they don’t properly understand the cycles? PF Last week, research based on a more complete earthquake record revised the return period of a quake to 291 years. The last was in 1717, exactly 300 […]

Are Cycles Universal or Regional?

QUESTION:  I have a question regarding cycles. You provide some very detailed, historic references showing why certain events are occurring now (again). Is there a disposition for something that occurred in the past to be destined re-occur for a particular region/country (i.e. Greeks abandoning property due to excessive taxation) because it happened once and now […]

Cycles Why do They Exist?

Many comments have come thanking me for demonstrating that there is order hidden within this chaos. Yet, the underlying question is fundamental – Why do cycles exist? I suppose the real answer is the same reason why we exist. Cycles are the divine blueprint from which everything is constructed. It is a complex structure, but everything […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis – Cycle Due 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin It’s been 30 years since I first saw you speak and this year I’m taking my son to Orlando to see you for the first time. How time flies. That said why have you not talked about the 86 year Sovereign Debt cycle that is forecasting a Great Depression for 2017. Have the […]

Has the Extinction Cycle Also Turned Against Us?

QUESTION: Martin, I have a question that is well outside your usual realm of discourse, so please bear with me as I explain. I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that […]

The Sports Cycle and Western Society

In May 2015, U.S. federal prosecutors filed criminal indictments against fourteen FIFA employees and associates in connection with an investigation by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CI) into wire fraud, racketeering, and money laundering which was all centered around bribery. Then 16 more officials were indicted […]

The Cycle of Assassination & War Bottomed in 2014

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you previously wrote that if Trump were elected he might be assassinated. Do you still see that as a potential? ANSWER: Absolutely. There is an 11-year average cycle for attempts to assassinate the president. Here is the list below: The assassination cycle actually bottomed in 2014 with the Cycle of War. This means we […]

Stein Exploiting the Great Divide between Left & Right Feeding the Cycle of War

Green Party donations reached $3.5 million for the election. Stein raked in $7 million+ for a recount that even Obama said was pointless. Stein will keep all the money not spent creating a huge windfall. More alarming, Stein is exploiting the great divide between left and right. All of this is warning that we are witnessing […]