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The Myth of Fair Value

QUESTION: If the metals are not trading at a fair value relative to everything else, then does that not prove they are manipulated? SN   ANSWER: Your problem is the assumption that everything must be trading at some fair value. That is up there with the theory of random walks.  ALL markets trade for periods […]

Markets & Starlings

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Your blog, “Model & the 1991 Collapse of the USSR” for me was a major thought process change. I believed in the Random Walk down Wallstreet, not any more. The chaos model example of the Dow Jones reminds me of the migration of the starlings – link attached. I had a pet […]

Market Talk – February 21, 2023

ASIA:   BlackRock Investment Institute raised U.S. short-term government bonds as well as Chinese and other emerging market stocks to “overweight” on Tuesday, saying investors were realizing that the U.S. Federal Reserve may have to become more aggressive in its campaign to subdue inflation. BlackRock also said it was going “overweight” on Chinese and other […]

What if Russia Nukes Kyiv?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In the event that Russia does employ nuclear weaponry in/over Ukraine, does Socrates offer any insight as to what effect that might have on Ukrainian food/energy/commodities -production in general (…. let alone their capabilities, or likely lack thereof, to transport, said items from fields/mines/etc. to harbors/rail-lines/etc.); and what type of effect […]

Can the Future be Altered?

  QUESTION: Good afternoon – Will try to make this one quick. Know you are busy. Have you ever asked Socrates how to “defeat” its predictions? Or to reduce volatility/amplitude of projected events? (Really, you should be recognized alongside Adam Smith, Ricardo, et al. for your discoveries and contributions.) JN ANSWER: Because the entire world […]

Gold v Digital Fiat & Marxism

QUESTION: Hi AE…so gov’t “money” (fiat currency) will become just some abstract floating measurement of value, an electronic entry in an electronic account in the cybersphere. As these various so-called gov’ts become less reliable, even between themselves, do you see the possibility of them simply skipping their phony currencies, & trading directly in gold. Russia […]

Russia Prepared for NATO Invasion

The West has decided to turn this into an all-out war to completely destroy Russia once and for all. Moscow has been put on high alert and air defenses are being put up in every sector of the city. The hardliners are being heard and Putin has little choice at this point. It has become […]

The Christmas/New Year’s Wars

Many emails have come in asking if the January target is going to be geopolitical. Holidays are a favorite time to launch attacks. Remember the Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War? Of course, during Vietnam, President Richard Nixon ordered major bombings to begin on Dec. 18 when North Vietnamese walked out on peace […]

Ice Age – the Come Rapidly

  COMMENT: Marty you may remember this. When this hit upper midwest I was in middle school in San Diego. I was in the library every morning before school following this, Voyager and Viking. I watched another rendition of this video on youtube and it cut out the portion where the chief scientist at Lamont-Doherty […]

Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer – but colder. The entire premise is that the climate is changing all because of the Industrial Revolution and CO2 they REFUSE to address the fact that there are […]