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Al Gore Forecast that NO Ice Would Remain at the North Pole by 2013

  In 2009, Al Gore forecast that there would be no ice by 2013. The BBC reported those crazy forecasts back in 2007. I have explained many times that the forecasting methods used is to assume whatever trend is in motion will remain in motion forever. In other words, if the Dow Jones were to […]

Yield v Reason

QUESTION: I see all of these people calling for a major crash of 50%+. With interest rates so low and the dividends on the Dow twice that of interest rates, does anyone look at yield anymore? PH ANSWER: I fully agree. The yield on the Dow Jones is 2.34%, which is about comparable the 10-year […]

Trump’s China Tweet

Trump wrote on Twitter over the weekend that tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods could rise to 25%. He said that a 25% tariff will soon be assigned to a selection of $325 billion in presently untaxed goods. The tweet sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down sharply while the yield on the 10-year […]

Socrates Progress Report

We are progressing in uploading all the memory modules. Soon, we will have all modules plugged in. I had an interesting meeting with one institution. One CFO still questioned if there was any human involvement in the reports. He said that the writing was too good for just a machine and assumed someone had to […]

Worldwide Real Estate Crash & Why

QUESTION: Sir, Listening to the WEC 2018 recording this weekend, Mike Campbell made an interesting sideline comment. He stated that pension funds were heavily invested in real estate. Is this just Canada or the US as well? If taxes go up will this further push the pension funds over as well as the emerging markets? If […]

Strong Dollar & Share Market

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a problem understanding how could Dow Jones keep hitting records in upcoming years if US dollar gets stronger. Strong dollar will hurt export. Could you perhaps elaborate on this topic a bit? JP ANSWER: Your question assumes the standard ANALYSIS based upon profits. Exports only account for 12% of […]

Goldman Sachs – Preparing for Waterfall Event?

The rumor mill has been hot concerning Malaysia and Goldman Sachs for the past two years. As it was turning into a criminal investigation Lyod Blankfein coincidently decided to step down at age 63. That was announced last March when he said he would step down by the end of the year. Then in July, Blankfein […]

Currency War – The Misguided Understanding of the FOREX Markets

  While the IMF chief Christine Lagarde has come out expressing her fear that not only a trade but also a currency war may emerge that could dampen the growth of the global economy, there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  The problem with misunderstanding currency and its role in the floating […]

When the Market Crashes The Scenarios Make No Sense

Interest Rates have been on the rise since 2015.75 4th quarter. All of a sudden, the headlines claim U.S. stocks took a dump to close sharply lower because investors spooked by rising bond yields sold equities in all sectors. The Nasdaq Composite Index (COMP) fell 315.97 points, or 4.1%, to 7,422.05, its biggest decline of 2018. The […]

It’s the Inter-connectivity that is the Key

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong, I read your blog since many years (i live in France) and i’m really impressed by Socrates … You have said that the $ will going to rise against the € and it’s exactly what’s happened !! You have said that the Dow Jones will rise into 26 000 points and will […]