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The Risks Are in the Eurozone Banks But Beware of Global Contagion

QUESTION: Sir, Given the liquidity crisis and the problem to arrive from Europe, I have a question for us Europeans: when you are talking about Europe and failures to come, you mean: 1. euro zone countries ONLY? 2. EU countries which still hold their currency (eg. Romania)? 3. what about the UK? Thank you. SM […]

The Coming European Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Martin, first of all thank you for being alive and bring your knowledge to the world. I am also worried for when you will not be here, wondering if there is or will be anyone like you there? I have a question as I am worried about my parents. They live in Europe, […]

European Bank Failure & Conflicts in Law in US Branches

QUESTION: Hi Marty – Thank you for the insight you provide as regards how the world really works. Spending 10 minutes reading your daily blog is equivalent to hours of reading the MSM propaganda and trying to discern the truth. My question to you is in response to your 10/2/19 post >> Liquidity Crisis & […]

Liquidity Crisis & the Pending European Banking Crisis

  A lot of people have been writing in about the liquidity crisis and the banks with exposure to Deutsche Bank. This is clearly the European Banking Crisis we have been warning about. Most European (and Swiss) banks are having to overpay 30-40bps over libor. Even A+ rated banks are having to pay this premium.   […]

BP Forced to Sell Assets to Appease the European Climate Hysteria

COMMENT: This morning blog question. I concur with ROM. Here’s a perfect example. BP has just sold all its oil and gas assets in Alaska to cut its carbon footprint in order to be consistent with the Paris Accord. This is a needless sale of assets caused by an ‘Act of Extortion-The Paris Accord’ against […]

Hoarding Gold & Dollars in Europe

QUESTION: Marty, living in Europe where the talk about the elimination of cash is loud I am asking myself what is planned for foreign currencies, e.g. USD, one holds in cash at home? They can´t forbid it because foreign exchange is needed for traveling. Even when they forbid it, there must be the possibility to […]

The European Commission is just an Undemocratic Echo Chamber

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Rome was my first WEC. It was truly an eye-opening event. Nigel Farage was correct – you are the alternative to Davos. I wanted to say after you explained the structure of the European Union and there the German people were denied any right to vote to join the euro, this coronation […]

Will Europe See More Deflation, Stagflation, or Inflation?

  QUESTION:  Dear Martin, am a loyal reader of your blog and many thanks to you for the education. Please, one brief but important question, which keeps me thinking hard these days. I remember your words, inflation should pick up in the next cycle. But, isn’t it the other way round? Isn’t deflation the next […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Euro Outlook

PRIVATE BLOG – Euro Outlook Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Europe Bans Natural Gas in New Homes

COMMENT: Regarding: California Economy Declining Significantly In the Netherlands (Europe) the same. Gas not allowed for new homes. Now new homes are more than €50000 more expensive (not the same climate as California). Existing homes will also be forced from gas to alternatives by 2030 which the government will try to enforce with sneaky planned […]