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Emails Expose Hillary & Insider Trading on Greek Bailouts?

The Clinton scandals will provide endless TV entertainment, which may be more like a reality TV show with the Kardashians. Most people think it will be Donald Trump. Trump may give us some frank insults that are badly needed now and then to keep people focused, but the Clintons will provide never-ending intrigue and scandals. Now […]

Hillary: The Most Devious Politician of All Time?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Have you ever met or advised Hillary Clinton? ANSWER: No. I was asked to meet with Bill when he was first elected in Arkansas after he invited hundreds of people for a dog and pony show. I declined. There is nothing I could advise Hillary on, for it is never about the country; […]

Hillary’s Questionable Past

QUESTION: I found your article on Hillary email scandal very informative. So you are saying that the financial scandals were all Hillary, not Bill? ANSWER: Correct. The Whitewater scandal was Hillary, not Bill. Bill was into sex, but Hillary was the dominant money grabber. She was the first, first lady to be involved in the […]

Hillary – Has She Compromised the Country?

A very serious issue is starting to rise behind the curtain. Obama is blasting Trump as part of some global elitist group that does not exist outside of those in Obama’s camp who subordinate the people to government. Indeed, it was Obama who played the role of political elitist by interfering in Britain quite disgracefully. He […]

Hillary & the Email Conspiracy that even Taints Obama

I previously reported on June 15, that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails. That is now starting to surface in the press, but naturally outside the USA where the press is more interested in attending her coronation. The notorious Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the targets of Russian hackers. There is no question about […]

Hillary is Really Corrupt

When Hillary was the Secretary of State, she refused to appoint an Inspector General to monitor her department. It was clear that she did not want anyone snooping around so she could hide her private emails and greed. She even sold positions on the International Security Advisory Board. Commodities trader Raj Fernando “bought” his appointment […]

Hillary Clinton – “Crisis of Character”

More people are writing books about the Clintons to expose their corruption than any other president or presidential candidate in history. While Bill has dominated if not set a record for sexual scandals, it has been Hillary who dominates all the financial scandals. That really says something for a first lady – no first lady […]

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server

Russia has reportedly hacked Hillary’s server. The energy magazine reported that Russian intelligence informed Western intelligence agencies that the government in Moscow is now planning to publish the emails from Hillary Clinton. If this proves to be true, then this will confirm that she placed national security second to her personal self-interest. The emails are widely expected to reveal how […]

Democrat Party Establishment Steal Election for Hillary

The press is clearly in the pocket of the establishment. Today they announced a poll to try to prevent Bernie from winning California where he had a slight lead. They polled the super delegates (who are outside of the democratic process entirely) to see who they will vote for. The fact that they had to […]

71% of Democrats Want Hillary to Run Even if Charged with a Felony

Amazingly, 71% of Democrats think Hillary Clinton should continue running for president if she is charged with a felony in connection with her private email use while serving as secretary of state. Exactly how does someone run the country from prison? Of course, those identifying themselves as Democrats are the over-50 generation, whereas the under-30 […]