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Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

COMMENT: The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with the corruption of the big banks. And these are the kindly gentlemen that have been appointed to “guide” monetary policy for our greater good. Simply don’t understand […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2023

ASIA:   China’s economic growth is likely to rebound to 4.9% in 2023, before steadying in 2024, a Reuters poll showed, as policymakers pledge to step up support for the COVID-ravaged economy. Gross domestic product (GDP) likely grew just 2.8% in 2022 as lockdowns weighed on activity and confidence, according to the median forecasts of […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2023

ASIA:   China suspended issuing short-term visas in South Korea and Japan on Tuesday, after announcing it would retaliate against countries that required negative COVID-19 tests from Chinese travelers. In the first retaliatory move, the Chinese embassy in South Korea suspended issuing short-term visas for South Korean visitors. It would adjust the policy subject to […]

Beware the Plot Behind Interest Rates

  Sometimes you need to look behind the curtain before you understand the real trend. It is true that Federal Reserve officials are committed to fighting inflation and expect higher interest rates to remain in place until more progress is made, according to minutes released from the central bank’s December meeting. Also what has been […]

Stirring the Pot For War

Many people have written in and asked why have I been unable to convince governments to avoid war. Quite frankly, they think they can win and more importantly, they need this because the entire socialistic system is collapsing. They rely on people buying their bonds year after year with no intention of paying anything back. […]

Federal Reserve & Misconceptions

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

Market Talk – December 16, 2022

ASIA: Uncertainty facing the global economy next year will exacerbate challenges at home for China, economists in Beijing say, while urging swift support to help counter external headwinds. As the risk of global recession looms, China should stay alert to turbulence in international markets and the potential of another financial crisis, said former vice-finance minister […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2022

ASIA:   Citigroup Inc said it will wind down its consumer banking business in China, a move which is expected to affect about 1,200 employees in the country. The exit will include products such as deposits, insurance, mortgages, investments, loans and cards, the lender said in a statement Thursday. The bank will also explore options […]

The Central Bank Dilemma

  The Central Bank Dilemma has become a major crisis in and of itself. I have been warning these past years that the ONLY tool a central bank has is manipulating the interest rates. Quantitative Easing was primarily to influence long-term rates indirectly since the Fed can only set short-term rates. During the past nine […]

Biden Pushes Iran into the Arms of Russia

For the life of me, whoever is writing the cue cards for Biden is clearly either deliberately trying to create World War III or is the most stupid person in the history of geopolitical analysis. Nobody, even in the CIA who analyzes global politics, would possibly be this stupid. Imposing the Russian sanctions has been […]