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ECM Day is Here

  The Economic Confidence Model has marked specific highs and lows in markets to the very day at times depending upon the shifts in capital flows. Why has the business cycle been masked in complexity that has prevented many from comprehending how it functions? I believe this is the result of the average person always […]

Why is 2022 A Possible Change in the Presidency?

The year 2022 is showing up as a political change in trend. That often implies a change in leadership. Since that is not a year where a presidential election would take place, given the extreme hostility which has emerged politically and the end of bipartisanship in Washington, there is the potential for the merger of […]

Market Talk – December 12, 2019

ASIA: According to reports from Reuters, China is trying to propose a plan to promote Macau to be its next “Hong Kong” by building it into a world-leading financial center. China unveiled plans of creating a yuan-denominated stock exchange, as well as allocating extra land to Macau for it to grow. The region was a […]

Market Talk – December 5, 2019

ASIA: China warned the US that a “price must be paid” for the latest sanctions imposed due to the China’s oppression of the people of Uighur decent. It seems this is a step back in the long discussions over the trade war. Japan, under Prime Minister Abe, has approved a stimulus package worth in excess […]

Lagarde – ECB – Euro

The central banks are keenly aware that they cannot stimulate economic growth, although they will not state that publicly. The wheel of fortune has completed its revolution. The central bankers are quietly lobbying the political side of the aisle to swing back to Keynesian fiscal policy and reverse austerity. The 63-year-old Christine Lagarde was supported […]

This Year’s World Economic Conference

We'd like to thank everyone who joined us at the World Economic Conference in Orlando. We'd especially like to thank our returning clients for their loyalty and continued support.

If you were not able to attend, we will be providing a video of the event shortly.

Senate Briefed on UFO Rash of Recent Sightings?

Well, the conspiracy takes are red hot that the aliens are coming and just waiting for us to self-destruct with World War III so they can inherit the planet. Believe it or not, three US senators were given a classified briefing about UFOs which have been seen traveling at hypersonic speed by US Navy pilots. […]

Where to Live in the Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, Tks for all your help and free education services. When the 3rd world is crushed in USD denominated debt and there is a world currency reset after the pension crisis in the west/US, will Asia be the best place to be? What Asian countries does Socrates say will be best? Cheers Baldy NZ & […]

The Drastic Alteration of QE that is About to be Unleashed

QUESTION #1: Sir, You stated in your blog that Fed may fix 2 and 10 year bond rates. Doesn’t this negate the yield curve concept/ credit theory? Won’t this accelerate the distrust for government? Wont this further accelerate/aggravate the pension crisis? Appreciate you teaching the little guys See you in Oct DK QUESTION #2: Marty; […]

Could Raising Taxes Save Government?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, [Analyst} recently …. raise[d] the alarm that the US is headed towards a very bad debt crisis. During an interesting part of the segment, he was asked if the rich should pay higher taxes, and he said “of course”, but he clarifies that what really matters is whether the tax dollars are […]