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IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret meeting took place in Washington with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank present over the weekend. The mainstream media reported that they only spoke about Greece, but behind the […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

The 224-Year Cycle of Political Change Report

The year 2013 was a highly important turning point for the future of the United States. Edward Snowden’s exposure of the NSA’s spying has revealed that the United States is no different from some of the most notorious governments in history. The entire debt ceiling crisis has also led to a profound realization behind the curtain that the United States lost its sovereignty because of its excessive indebtedness. It cannot even wage war without the approval of its creditors – China and Russia.

This incredible special report on the “224-Year Cycle of Political Change” covers USA, China, and Russia. However, the sheer scope of tracing this cycle back through the centuries to illustrate how it has correlated to the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states, will open your eyes to the realization that there is indeed a time and place for everything.


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Comment from Portugal – Indicative of Worldwide Political Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong. I have been in Portugal for the last week. Here too people are fed up with politicians. Even in the country side the cities and towns are building unnecessary infrastructure (example of roundabouts in every single small intersection) just so they can raise taxes. People cite the unreasonable increase in property […]

The Pension Crisis – $2 Trillion Hole in Just Top 25 Funds

Moody’s has reported that the top 25 largest U.S. public pension funds face about $2 trillion in unfunded liabilities. This is what we see as the next great crisis post 2015.75. We are in a very serious economic crisis within the years ahead and we are preparing a very important report on this crisis. We will […]

Scottish Rigged Vote – Is Anything Real Any More? The Crisis in Democracy

I have communicated directly with some Scots. I spoke to an 18 year old segment to get a perspective of the youth. They used the word that they wanted a “REVOLUTION” and feel very betrayed by what they called the over “65” crowd. This is what our model has been warning about and why this […]

Pending Pension Crisis – They Are Only a Promise

We have a major reform coming for the Pension field besides Obama trying to divert that money for infrastructure expenditure. The GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, was issued in June, 2012 and is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014. This statement is an amendment to GASB Statement […]

California Drought – Maybe a Real Crisis in the Making

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you had forecast that we would go into another major drought in the West after 2000. I think that was in a special report on agriculture. Your forecast seems to be spot on there as well. Do you have any updates? Thanks A California reader for life. BK ANSWER: Yes, that […]

Crisis Collapse in World Capital Flows

QUESTION: Marty; You have emphasized how you track world capital flows and conducted your research even in the flows of capital and disparity of interest rates between regions in the Roman Empire. You have mentioned that liquidity has collapsed and that capital has fled from emerging markets that is also putting pressure on Russia before […]

European Banking Crisis is Far From Over

Most people do not know but banking in the rise from the Dark Ages began with merchants and the banking capitol of Europe was Siena, Italy. This is where the oldest bank in the world resides and it is here where we see the consequences of the CDOs marketed by Goldman Sachs and others have dealt […]