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Fani Willis Letter to Jordon is to Protect Her – Not the Law

QUESTION: What is your view of Fani Willis telling Jim Jordan, Judiciary Committee chairman, that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about? WY ANSWER: The arrogant letter demonstrates that her charges against Trump et al. are purely political. You do not write to the Judiciary Committee chairman and tell him he does not know what […]

Tyranny of Interpreting Words

COMMENT: I just read your analysis of Double Jeopardy. It was brilliant. I have never seen someone analyze it the way you have done. You have captured the true spirit of what it honestly meant. God Help Us. KR REPLY: This is the entire problem a single word can be reinterpreted to inflict tyranny. In […]

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. […]

The Migrant Civil Unrest Is Part of The Collapse of Society for 2032

History repeats largely because those in power NEVER consult history before they hand down some decree. The scheme behind letting all these migrants infiltrate the country is that they will vote Democrat and keep them in power forever. As I have said before, I was asked by Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia to try […]

Maui Suffers from America-Last Policies

The fires in Maui claimed the lives of at least 99 people. Over a thousand people are still missing as crews rush to identify remains. This was the deadliest wildfire on US soil in over 100 years. There is a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the fires, but one proven conspiracy is that the […]

Trump’s 3rd Indictment May Backfire

QUESTION: Marty, Your experience in law is well known. What is your opinion of Trump’s new indictment? Paul ANSWER: Never in the entire history of the United States have we EVER witnessed such political corruption using the Department of Justice. They had tapes of Richard Nixon that would have convicted him but they did not […]

The Myth of FDR’s New Deal

The victor gets to write history, and that is precisely what the LEFT did with FDR and the New Deal. You will never be an accurate analyst unless you accept that you are duty-bound to investigate the truth no matter where it may lead. The myth of the New Deal and its success in dragging […]

Here Come the AI Regulators – the United Nations

Most people are unaware that the agency that was created to regulate the international telegraph has seized authority over the technology of AI when they lack any understanding of the subject. This is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and its global regulations are trying to now tackle AI. This is part of the United Nations […]

Ukraine Complete Disaster – Neocons Lose Again?

  Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse. The American Neocons are being confronted with the fact that there NEVER was any chance that Ukraine would defeat Russia and putting this high-heel questionable gender […]

BRICS & The Gold Backed Currency Idea

QUESTION: Marty, Will the Brics launching a gold backed currency be the catalist for bankrupting 3rd world economies? Or is it rising interest rates on their debt? Tks for all the light u share in a confusing economic landscape. Cbeers .baldy ANSWER: It is unlikely that we are looking at a BRICS single currency like the […]