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Is it Taxes or Opportunity that Cause Migrations?

QUESTION: The invasion of children from the Mexican perspective is to have a better life. The U.S. perspective is all these people do not pay taxes and take jobs. Is this common throughout history? ANSWER:  The Mexicans are not coming here because of taxes but for OPPORTUNITY. Americans are complaining they do not pay taxes and […]

They Are Tapping Phones in New Zealand – Is this really Terrorists or Taxes?

A reader from New Zealand contributed this: COMMENT: Martin Happening in New Zealand SR Telcos reveal over 70 secret phone taps for govt By Patrice Dougan 5:00 AM Saturday Jun 7, 2014 Vodafone says there were 34 NZ warrants for phone interceptions by four Govt agencies in 2013. Photo / Thinkstock Phone companies have revealed […]

Rising Taxes – Deflation & Inflation Simultaneously

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Again you’re proof correct. In Switzerland where government and its administration already destroyed the 80-year-old pillar of freedom, the bank secrecy, for all foreign customers, and has been putting the heads of thousands of US clients plus their bank advisors on the block, the admin now is proposing to also extend this procedure […]

Bull Market in Taxes

In the UK, people are suddenly shocked that the government can simply just grab money out of your account without any court order or a right to object in advance as reported by the Telegraph. The desperate need for cash is rising and after 2015.75, hold-on to your nickers – we will see significant increases […]

Ontario – Hiking Taxes on the Rich who are now C$150,000

We are in a global bull market for tax increases and this will help tremendously create the next severe economic contraction. Politicians around the world only see raising taxes to hold power. NOBODY will even consider adopting reform. This is all about government, without any vision whatsoever beyond the current fiscal term just trying to […]

This is why Judges Cannot be State Employees – He OK’d Selling Woman’s Home to Pay $6.30 in Taxes

  Beaver County Common Pleas Judge Gus Kwidis is the classic illustration of absolute tyranny. This man ruled that a widow’s home worth $230,000 be auctioned off to pay $6.30 in taxes owed to the State. This is why I say we do not live in a free country when you can be broke you […]

Debt & Taxes – Wisdom from the Past

One of the more interesting aspects of the coming final Blood Moon on September 28, 2015, this one also coincides with the end of the Jewish Shmita year. This is when the Israelites are to let the land rest and cancel all debts.  This occurs every 7 years (2000-2001, 2007-2008, 2014-2015).  The Ten Commandments forbids Marxism […]

G20 to Coordinate to Hunt Down Taxes Worldwide

Government is simply brain-dead. They fail to grasp that government is indeed a PUBLIC SERVANT and by no means are they the inherent nation themselves. They do not ADD to the national wealth since they produce nothing – they are the consumers of all wealth. Yet governments worldwide see ALWAYS the people as the problem […]

Taxes & Legal Wordsmithing. One’s Interpretation is never Another’s

In the tax code there are provisions that clearly state that payment for employment is taxable defining wages as “all remuneration for employment.” However, when a company closes down and tries to be fair to its employees providing severance payments, as in the case of Quality Stores, you are receiving money not for employment. Clearly, […]

Taxes Alter Behavior

There were two taxes that altered how people lived. There was the Window Tax that inspired row homes in Colonial America. That simply became the standard and long after the tax was gone, row homes became the norm. Row Homes eliminated the need for windows on two sides of the house. You will also see […]