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The Euro & Dollar – the Essence of Chaos

Nothing has changed with the Euro v the dollar. We are waiting for the turn in 2014 and that remains in place. In order to set the stage for the worst of the worst, we need to move to extremes in both directions. Economically, Europe is a disaster. You typically have the currency rise in […]

The Euro & Year-End

  The Euro has simply remained within the reversals holding the 12950 level on the downside and 14700 on the upside. A closing for year-end above 13588 will signal that we still should see the deflationary rally continue into early 2014.  The ideal turning point remains 2014 with Panic Cycles coming in 2016.   Here […]

The Euro has created a “lost generation”

The Noble Economist who once support the Euro has reversed himself and come out stating what I have been pointing out.  Christopher Pissarides has come out and stated that the Euro has created a “lost generation” as reported in the Telegraph. The problem we have is the self-interest. The whole creation of the Euro has […]

Death of the Euro?

The feeling in Europe is growing darker by the day. Even the central bankers have been moving into the Australian and Canadian dollars as reserves shunning away from the Euro. Behind the curtain, central bankers are running away from the Euro after the German elections. The rising debt in Europe is out of control and […]

The Euro Outlook

The major resistance for the Euro stands at the 14548 and 14577 levels. The Weekly Bullish Reversals are at 13913 and 14450. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. The weekly oscillators are still positive and technically that is the top of the channel area. Friday’s closing at 13523 leave some room to the next […]

Is the Euro Dying?

After election day, Angela Merkel plans a significant change as she will lack a majority of Germans really behind her and she has always changed direction with the political wind. According to the polls, the majority of Germans have had enough of Brussels. We will see a shift in trend whereby there will be a resurgence […]

Another Nail in the Coffin of the Euro?

Britain remains the EU’s biggest financial center and is opposed to the 2014 tax on financial transactions to begin in the EU. Britain, and several other EU states, are refusing to participate in the tax scheme that will clearly send capital out of the Euro. There are still 11 members that will go ahead Germany, France, […]

The European Debt Bomb – Unbelievable

The solution we have been working on is rapidly becoming the only way out. The amount of debt keeps growing and there is just no way to resolve this mess. Either we go into a massive default wiping out all pensions, or we keep raising taxes and destroying the economy wiping out the youth and […]

The Euro & the Hamiltonian Model

The Euro & the Hamiltonian Model is a special report looking at the structural design of the Euro and why it has collapsed. The political dreamland has been simply insane. This report compares the structure to the Euro and its fatal flaw in contrast to the Hamiltonian Model that succeeded in creating a single nation […]

Fundamentals & Gold & The Euro

Gold tumbled about 3% after positive US jobs data sent the dollar rallying and rekindled worries the Federal Reserve could be tempted to scale back its monetary stimulus later in the year. I have warned that the US economic outlook is bullish into 2015.75. The dollar will rise and that will help turn the US […]