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The Marijuana Tax – How Did it Become Illegal & Why?

  Marijuana has been prejudiced over the years by people who have never understood the risks and because there was concern that marijuana might compete with the paper industry. There was a campaign waged against marijuana that was born out of an anti-immigration movement against Mexicans. The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 and ran into about 1920. […]

Market Talk – April 8, 2019

Asia: Despite the global sanctions imposed on North Korea, China continues to work towards its own benefit. It was revealed that China has opened yet another border crossing for North Korea via a bridge over the Yalu River. Both countries are in negotiations with the United States in the meantime. China and Russia have been […]

Austria Moves to Tax Online Companies

The EU has been unable to agree on taxing the internet. As a result, Austria went ahead and passed its own digital tax this week on revenues earned by online companies in their country. The entire problem with this type of taxation is the burden of accounting. This means that the online world will be […]

Erdogan Demands Recounts

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have demanded recounts in 39 districts that they lost and have prevailed on eight. There has been great concern that Erdogan’s AKP will not accept defeat at the hand of any vote. Many fear there is an undercurrent of tyranny rising behind the […]

German Economy Turning Down Hard into 2020

The German economy is what holds up Europe. The data on the industrial sector in Germany is out and it has disappointed everyone once again with production dropping 0.8% month-on-month in January 2019. January’s contraction was driven by a steep drop in capital goods output and a fall in intermediate goods production. However, consumer goods […]

Market Talk – April 5, 2019

Asia: Chinese Vice President Liu backed by his delegation stated that a new consensus has been reached after yesterday’s meeting with President Trump. The two countries are still working toward a deal, but it appears as if progress has been made. Japanese bank Nomura stated that they will reduce the point of sales by at […]

Most British Now Just Want to Leave with NO DEAL – Get out while they can the polls show

Perhaps there is some new plague that only affects politicians on a global scale. It seems no matter what country we look at, it is simply going completely insane politically. Americans rarely understand Parliamentary politics in London for it is not unusual for Trump to meet with the Democrats, Chuck and Nancy, in the White […]

Market Talk – April 4, 2019

Asia: MIT university announced today that they have terminated funding and research links with China’s Huawei and ZTE. The decisions comes amid ongoing tensions between the telecommunications company as well as China and the U.S. as a whole. On a more optimistic note, numerous news sources have claimed that America’s trade war with China is […]

Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

  One of the most ruthless and unconstitutional powers federal judges have is to throw people into contempt until they break. The press NEVER reports the truth about the US legal system; they ALWAYS defend the government no matter what. They love to throw you into solitary confinement where the vast majority of prisoners commit […]

US$ Rallies as Central Banks Sell Dollars

QUESTION: I am a mega dollar bull – I totally get how it is the only game in town.  I’ve lived it too, having seen how the big banks work their balance sheets from the inside. However… occasionally people send me charts like the one below and get all excited.  They say we are de dollarizing […]