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O'Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892)

U.S. Supreme Court O’Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892) O’Neil v. Vermont No. 6 Argued January 20, 1892 Decided April 4, 1892 144 U.S. 323 ERROR TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF VERMONT Syllabus A complaint, in Vermont, before a justice of the peace, for selling intoxicating liquor without authority, was in […]

The Collapse in Liquidity = Rising Volatility

The primary increase in volatility ahead is the continued erosion of liquidity, which on a global scale is still about 50% of 2007 levels. The more insane these regulations, the less economic investment, and this will result in the continued rise in unemployment. Government is clinging to power. The more they do, the worse the […]

Russia Begins Collecting Data from international airlines passengers

The Russian government plans to follow the USA collecting extensive data on all foreign airline passengers in the future. The scheme applies to all airlines which fly to Russia or even fly over that land mass.

Understanding Cycles – the Two Extremes – Why We must Crash & Burn

Understanding that everything in nature moves in a cyclical manner is vital to comprehending the world around us. This is how energy moves. The waves in the ocean give the impression the water is moving when in fact if you throw a bottle that floats into the water you will notice that the bottle rises […]

When Iron was worth More than Gold

Before the Iron Age, Iron has been found in both the West and the East treated as a precious object that was more valuable than gold. Recently, the debate over whether these rare objects were meteorites has been settled. They are indeed meteorites that fell from the havens and thus were regarded as gifts from […]

Brussels is Moving to Federalize Europe

Everyone knew that the real agenda from the outset was to federalize Europe. The problem has been how to deny that so they did not require a democratic vote from the people. What is taking place now is the attempt to seize control of the rule of law in all member states. This way no […]

Important European News

Bundesbank’s President Jens Weidmann was questioned for the first time by the press on the future of the euro. Weidmann renewed his criticism of the rescue policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). The announcement by ECB President Mario Draghi to purchase unlimited government bonds to stabilize the euro, Weidmann views that this threatens the very existence of the […]

British Pound & Reversals

QUESTION: I watched the Yearly Bullish Reversal in the pound for years at 201.00 you gave back in 1985. It reached that level in 2007 but never closed above it. Does that remain the number all these years? ANSWER: Yes. Once generated, it never changes. True, 2007 reached 210 level intraday but could not close […]

Why Markets Decline

Well that post has brought tons of emails from those in the engineering world. Glad the light has gone off. We need to turn it on in government. One comment wrote: When you discuss containing velocity of the markets and changing the velocity do you refer to increasing the speed of the implosion and or […]

Trying To Trade

Because governments are trying to hunt down the “rich” in their desperate move for money, they are really destroying the world economy. A European cannot open an account at Merrill Lynch with a broker he personally knows in the USA. Any foreign customer must trade exclusively through their “international” desk. Why? So they can report on whatever […]