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Is Obama Just Insane?

I have dealt with many governments in my life and I have come to understand you CANNOT and SHOULD NEVER put your opponent in a box publicly for his own political livelihood is then on the line and he MUST respond or be overthrown. This is simple common sense in international politics and I have […]

Crimea Referrendum Join Russia Now or Later

The Ukrainian Crisis is far from over and confrontation between the West and Russia seems to be inevitable, albeit after September. The Kyiv Post illustrates the ballot in Crimea where there is no actual spot to vote against joining Russia. Voters in Russian-occupied Crimea in the March 16 referendum have only two choices – join Russia immediately […]

“Russian Spring” Fails in East from Donetsk

Our sources in the east have reported that what has been marketed by the pro-Russian supporters as the “Russian Spring” in Donetsk, has collapsed. More than 10.000 demonstrators came out today in favor of a UNITED Ukraine against only 1.500 for separation! This is ahead of the news and it was totally unexpected in Donetsk, which […]

Yanukovych is in Moscow Hospital

The information we had that Yanukovych suffered a heart attack appears to have been correct. Several reports are coming in that he survived, but is now in a Moscow hospital. This makes perfect sense because he suffered that on March 3rd the night before Russia’s ultimatum and the next day Putin strangely backed-off. The timing […]

Indefinite Detention Struck Down as Unconstitutional

Judge Katherine B. Forrest of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York issued a permanent injunction barring the government from relying on the defense authorization law to hold people in indefinite military detention on suspicion that they “substantially supported” Al Qaeda or its allies — at least if they had […]

Obama uses the Same Nonsense as Putin

We are still awaiting panic cycles at the end of the month so this is not over until the fat lady sings as they say, albeit we do not expect military action between any major powers before the October/November time period. For Obama to claim that a public vote in Crimea would violate the Constitution […]

Putin Orders Troops Back to Bases – Why? Is Yanukovych Dead?

Mr Putin said he had ordered his troops on military exercises near the border between western Russia and Ukraine to return to bases after completing all of their tasks. There remains a serious question if Yanukovych is alive or dead. Putin has stated: “After he came to Russia, I saw him once, that was literally two […]

Yanukovych Dead or Alive

Russia has informed the United Nations that they were “requested” by Yanukovych to invade Ukraine and their position is he is the supreme ruler of Ukraine and that his removal was illegitimate. But he fled Ukraine and the Ukrainians tried to stop him. The blocked the airports so he had to drive to Crimea where […]

Yanukovych is Dead & the BANDERIVTSI

  The rumors that Yanukovch has died are being denied by Russia. However, neither side has produced any proof. It would be now simple for Yanukovch to step to the camera and proudly claim his throne as the Czar of Ukraine under the fake election to pretend the whole of Ukrainian people voted for this […]

Yanukovych is Dead?

The latest rumor circulating in Ukraine is that Yanukovych is dead. Evromaydana activist Michael Swan reported death of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych of a heart attack, the newspaper writes In a message on Facebook Swan refers to another of the Cardiology Center of Rostov. According to him, Yanukovych was brought into Cardiology at about 23:00 MSK […]