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It Has Begun

  Suffice it to say, Europe has been conquered according to VERY RELIABLE SOURCES, and as such, the main focus has been on subjugating the Anglo-Saxon countries. This is why we see absolutely ruthless activity on the part of politicians in New Zealand and Britain with the leader being Australia. Canada has already shut its […]

Market Talk – September 23, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that China must be held accountable for having “unleashed” COVID-19 on the world, prompting Beijing to accuse him of “lies” and abusing the U.N. platform to provoke confrontation. But China’s UN ambassador Zhang Jun rejected Trump’s accusations against China as “baseless” and […]

The New Norm – OMG

The Economist just ran a story that summarized the change in work that “people particularly fond of their pyjamas [sic] have for decades been arguing that a lot of work done in large shared offices could better be done at home. With covid-19 their ideas were put to the test in a huge if not […]

Market Talk – September 22, 2020

ASIA: China and India have agreed not to deploy more troops to the frontline, China’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday. The two sides held their sixth round of commander-level talks on the border situation on Monday. The countries have agreed not to unilaterally change the situation, so as to avoid any actions that might complicate […]

Klaus Schwab & His Great Reset – Unrealistic Academic Proposal as Dangerous as Marxism

Klaus Schwab needs to answer why the World Economic Forum sold all its stocks and bonds ahead of everyone else. Schwab has exploited this virus within weeks, launching his vision for the Great Reset. This highly likely man-made virus was also highly likely to have been leaked in China deliberately by another group with a […]

Market Talk – September 21, 2020

ASIA: ByteDance and Oracle Corp issued conflicting statements on Monday over the terms of an agreement they reached with the White House over the weekend to allow TikTok to continue to operate in the United States. ByteDance said on Monday that it would own 80% of TikTok Global, a newly created US company that will […]

Biden Says Nobody Would Have Died from Virus if Trump Did His Job

Joe Biden has now come out and said that nobody would have died from the virus if Trump did his job. This is just unbelievable. When Trump closed travel from China Biden called him a racist. To even say something along these lines is just insane. His lack of mental capacity has even clouded his […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2020

ASIA: China’s ByteDance is planning a U.S. initial public offering of TikTok Global, the new company that will operate the popular short video app, should its proposed deal be cleared by the U.S. government, Reuters reported. ByteDance is racing to clinch an agreement with the White House that will stave off a U.S. ban on […]

Market Talk – September 17, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump raised questions on Wednesday about plans by China’s ByteDance to keep a majority stake in the U.S. operations of popular social media platform TikTok after six Republican lawmakers urged him to reject the proposal. Trump said he would be briefed on Thursday about a proposal that calls for Oracle Corp […]

Yan & Wuhan Lab – Who Leaked What?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your comment on Dr. Yan and her assertion that this virus was created in the Wuhan Lab. She fled Hong Kong to the United States in April and says she will never be allowed home. What is your take on this story? Thank you. I think you are the […]