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The Dow – To Be or Not To Be – Blowing Bubbles or Hot Air?

While the amount of bears in the stock market are truly amazing, there are simply countless economists and analysts all claiming this is the all time high and a crash is imminent. They claim the classic feature of a speculative bull market peak is identified by the margin debt on the NYSE. Tracking this indicator, […]

Dow Outlook 12-12-2013

The US share market is declining currently as people think the budget deal will help the Fed taper and then interest rates will rise. Of course, this is a superstition that is up there with the World is flat as well for anyone with a computer can simply correlate interest rates and the Dow Jones […]

Why Is the Dow Vulnerable To A Correction?

I previously warned that there was a possibility that November would produce the breakout in nominal terms, but there was still a risk that we may decline into Jan/Feb to retest support first. This type of pattern would warn of a Cycle Inversion and this is what I am concerned about. The main Global Correlation […]

The $2.3 Trillion Nobody Mentions about Quantitative Easing

QUESTION: We didn’t see Quantitative Easing stimulate the economy? Was it all the money pouring out the cracks to overseas? Thanks GH ANSWER: You have to look deeper than the headlines. Yes, it sounds like a lot of money $85 billion a month should have been inflationary in a closed system. But pick up the […]

Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Unfunded Pensions Are Our Doom

The standard pension systems of governments from Europe to the States are all the same. They have assumed that taxes would be an endless pit. They have promised pensions to people and never funded them. Anyone in the private sector would go to jail for creating such schemes. Historically, the people rise up when they […]

Gold can still be Fiat

COMMENT: You just wrote in your definition of Hyperinflation “They debased coinage routinely, which is why Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832)  argued money has never been “tangible” or a store of value. So simply making money out of gold or silver does NOT prevent the very evils the gold promoters attribute to fiat.” Thank you so […]

Hyperinflation – All Just Hype

QUESTION: Marty; I assume I understand the bottom line comes down to hyperinflation is just hype because it assumes the government will honor its promises. If they are moving to even negative interest rates and we see a rising tide of bankruptcies of cities and states to escape the unfunded pensions, then it is clear […]

Euro – Germany – Trade

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it was great to have you here in Europe. You mentioned before that Germany needs the euro to maintain its trade surplus with Europe. There seems to be a rising tide that is starting to recognize that, especially here in Greece. Is this the seeds of the collapse of the euro? ANSWER: There […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]