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Market Talk – November 10, 2020

ASIA: China’s ruling Communist Party is stepping up efforts to rein in some of China’s most powerful companies, jolting investors and dealing a blow to the country’s richest entrepreneurs. China, on Tuesday, unveiled regulations to root out monopolistic practices in the internet industry, seeking to curtail the growing influence of corporations like Alibaba Group Holding […]

Market Talk – November 9, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government on Monday sidestepped questions on when it would congratulate United States President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman saying that China would act in “accordance with international practice.” More than 24 hours after US media declared Biden victorious, China remains one of the few major countries […]

The Collapse in Confidence in Government Has Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I greatly appreciate all the hard work you do helping provide light to this mess all around us.  It would seem trump winning is a requirement for us to have any hope near term for staving off the worst of what’s to come.  I was hoping to have a question answered regarding the […]

Anyone who Thinks Biden will Represent Everyone is Going to Have a Rude Awakening

  They are already assembling lists of Trump Supporters which is about 50% of the population. During every Revolution, they have ALWAYS gone after the opponents and tried to kill them or sized everything they ever owned. Here is a Georgia note from 1778 which is backed by assets seized by those who supported the […]

Why was the Election Rigged!

COMMENT: You only say the election is rigged because your boy Trump got what he deserved. FP REPLY: This entire mail-in ballot was orchestrated using a fake pandemic, to begin with. This was a very strategic plot and it has been carried out with masterful execution. You voted for Biden thinking this was just a […]

No Biden Has not Won – The Electoral College Votes December 14

Mainstream media is naturally proclaiming Biden won. They may think they now run the country, but they do not declar5e the President – that’s the Electoral College. Trump has not conceded and with all the fraud with a razor-thin victory for Biden, he should not. Just in May 2020, a Judge confessed that he took […]

America’s Premier Pollsters are as Corrupt as Mainstream Media

The question you will never see asked in mainstream media is how can a computer, Socrates, call every election correctly when all the pollsters get it ALWAYS wrong? Mainstream media is so biased they will NEVER dare report that Socrates even exists. Why? Because they are on the payroll of this Great Reset just as […]

The Watermark & Hammer

I have received a lot of questions about this story of secret watermarks. I cannot verify anything of that nature. As far as switching votes, that is the major problem. I was told by a journalist in one of the top 5 newspapers, that they were INSTRUCTED there will be NO investigation stories into fraud. […]

Biden is Pronounced President by Mainstream Media who Really Decides Elections

Mainstream media has called Biden the winner as they instruct their journalists not to report on any fraud. As it stands now, Biden said: “What’s becoming clear each hour is that a record number of Americans of all races faiths, religions, chose change over more of the same,” the former vice president said. “They have […]

The Future with Many Doors Open

QUESTION: Dear Marty Those of us who can see are all tired of this. As it’s cyclical there’s not much we can do but warn others and hope a critical mass will arrive that can do something about it Are you doing projections for all countries to see if there are any safe havens also […]