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Yanukovych – the Next War Criminal

According to reliable sources, The corrupt overthrown president of Ukraine Yanukovich has sent letter to Putin asking him to use Russian military force to invade Ukraine and thus de facto restore him to his pretend elected throne one must surmise for life. This is the man who ordered snipers to shoot unarmed civilians in Maidan.

Russia’s Top Rock Band Understands Revolution More than Politicians

Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich, founder of the Russia’s oldest active rock band Mashina Vremeni (Time Machine), has released a statement on YouTube. I’m very concerned about what is happening in Ukraine. But I’m much more concerned about what’s happening on that account in my own country. I cannot rid myself of the feeling that our authorities perceive […]

China Supports Russia – Former Countries of the Soviet Block in Crisis Many Believe they are Next

China has come out in support of Russia. This is the real cost of the NSA. Spying on  everything has cost America its respect and its allies. Obama is a lawyer, clearly not a political strategist nor a historian. If you are married and distrust your spouse to the point you monitor them, listen into […]

War – Civil v International

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I studied at the Citadel Military College where I was introduced in Philosophy to your Economic Confidence Model. They taught it there in case you do not know. I must say, your recent comment distinguishing civil war and unrest coming from the people and international war arising from kings and ministers is […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]

Kiev Appeals to NATO For Help

The prelude to war. It Begins. Russian Invading Ukraine Ukraine: Violent clashes in Kharkiv leave dozens injured

Protest Erupting now in Portugal

Now we are seeing demonstrations emerging in the capital and other Portuguese cities over the debt-burdened country the corruption of politicians and the austerity measures. The General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers organized the demonstrations and called for the Portuguese people to demand higher wages and improved health care, education and social security services. Of course […]

Russian Troops Invaded Zaporizhzhya

Here is a Ukrainian Map. Russian troops have invaded the eastern provinces already and have now been spotted in Zaporizhzhya. Yanukovych came from the province of Donetsk  and all the corrupt politicians are from there or Luhansk who have also fled. The Russian invasion is moving very rapidly. We do have on the ground contacts […]

Ukrainian Propaganda

The words on this propaganda picture means are clear. On the left it states here are the dangerous revolutionaries, who are financially supported by EU and NATO and had special military training. On the right, here are spontaneous grounded groups of Self Defense with weapons. This is how the pro-Russian press are portraying this event. The […]

West is Impudent – This is like the Fall of Rome

Obama has spoken harsh words threatening there will be “costs” to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but these “costs” will simply be economic sanctions that will further the new Cold War. Putin asked the Russian upper house legislature for “permission” to invade and of course they granted that hands down. The barbarians tried for decades […]