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The 2017 Year End Report Coming December 1st

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses from from the […]

Do States in USA Have a Right to Leave?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I agree with your blog post about sharing the Declaration of Independence, and how a people have the right to declare independence. Hypothetically, what would your thoughts be if a State decided to leave our Federal Republic… would you believe that a State has the right to declare independence? Thank you for […]

WEC Orlando November 3rd & 4th

This Year’s Orlando WEC will be held November 3rd & 4th.  We will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences […]

The 2017 Year-End Report

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses not from the […]

Sports on the Decline

COMMENT: Looks like Socrates was correct about the NFL – peaked and now declining! With or without Trump’s help! Bravo! REPLY: Yes. The Cowboys and Cardinals linked arms amid National Anthem protests displays a sad day for where we are headed. The Sports Cycle is indeed a leading indicator of the decline and fall of an empire. […]

Monetary Crisis & How to Trade a Vertical Market WEC 2017

This Year’s WEC in Orlando we will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences typically reflect more than $3 trillion […]

Identifying Complexity

QUESTION: Marty, I have followed your Global Market Watch and it is really amazing. I noticed on IPE gas it came up and warned it was about to breakout to the upside. You said this is purely a pattern recognition system. Are there patterns that precede events and this is what your model is picking […]

Is There a Way Out of This Financial Mess?

We need to open the door to the future but that is only possible by understanding the past. Paul Volcker back in 1979 in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle said: “Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent age, the ‘New Economics’ had become orthodoxy. Its basic tenet, repeated […]

Dow High or Low

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am confused with the Dow Jones Index, could the index explode up through 23,000 to 40,000 from here or does there need a downward move then explode up through 23,00 (a sling shot).  Could you tell us what you see for the next 6 to 9 months.  Probably the most important […]

Climate Change on the Horizon

QUESTION: Marty, I’ve been looking at the Year Without a Summer on Wikipedia and read that there was a cooling trend prior to the winter-like conditions during the summer of 1816. It mentioned that it affected the northeast. Also that the reason for the cooling trend is associated with the volcanic activity prior to and […]