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The Bank that was Small Enough to Jail

QUESTION: Marty; there is another documentary on the Abacus Bank and how they were singled out and charged for the 2007-2009 crash. While they said this was a tiny banks for immigrants that was too  Small Enough to Jail, I found this offensive that they said it was the first bank to be indicted since 1991. Not even Matt Taibbi […]

The Coming One World Currency

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I sure would appreciate any thoughts you have on rumors making the rounds that the International Monetary Fund has tipped its hand, in part via its June 2017 “Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations” IMF Discussion Note, and intends to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency as early as […]

Market Talk- September 11, 2017

With no missile test Saturday or new geopolitical news over the weekend, Asian stocks opened on a positive note. The Chinese central bank loosened some financial restrictions which also added to the positivity for both domestic and regional markets, combined to support all markets. The central bank move opens the market slightly, returning responsibility to […]

The Dow – To Correct or Not?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, last week i read on your blog about possible fall in Dow Jones, you said it’s possible that we could see biggest fall ever and that should start this September but today you sad you don’t expect major correction. I’m sure there are many readers on your blog who are confused about this topic […]

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how things evolve GOLD-Oil-Dollar.  I must say this is a eye-opening evolution you are talking about. Has this always been the case with things […]

DACA – one-size fits all?

COMMENT: I understand what you are saying about lumping everyone together under this DACA program. It looks like Trump heeded your warning despite the fact you say you do not advise Trump. Curious how this time seems he is listening to you as does China. What would you do if you were President? JH REPLY: If I was […]

Market Talk- September 6th, 2017

A lot of the talk in Asia was surrounding concerns over the continued and unsurprising decline in the KOPSI. Today it fell again (-0.3%) with industrials and core exporters leading the decline making this the fifth day sellers have taken the lead role. The Nikkei lost for another day, but this time only a small […]

The Crash & No Bid

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Love your blog and the insight you have given all your readers. However, I am wondering that when you say the markets are going to become more volatile – how does that affect the trigger that sets off the dominoes ?? what I mean is, if the economy around the world hits […]

Wyoming’s Money Grab Against VW Dismissed

A Federal Judge Breyer ruled against Wyoming and in favor of Volkswagen (VW) dismissing the claim that because of VW’s manipulation of diesel emissions, they caused environmental damage and should pay damages to the State in addition to individual car owners. Judge Breyer stated that despite the fact that VW was indeed responsible for manipulation. However, […]

Market Talk- September 4th, 2017

Stock markets were spooked by North Korea’s sixth nuclear test over the weekend which had the usual effect of rallying safe-haven such as gold and treasuries. The US dollar also found a bid with the Japanese yen benefiting as money scattered from the risk. The Nikkei ended the day around 1% lower with exporters being […]