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Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace

Russia has fitted its fleet with tactical nuclear weapons both in the North Sea and in the Atlantic. The United States and NATO have convinced themselves that they can destroy Russia and China and neither will resort to nuclear weapons.  Nobody ever questions: What if we are wrong? Once upon a time, it was PRESUMED […]

NATO Preparing for World War III

Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive move which is an “Article 5 conflict” but also an “out-of-area” battle. This is showing that NATO is no longer what it was supposed to have […]

What is Really the Foundation of Money?

COMMENT: Martin, After several years of reading your blog, I have concluded that Socrates’ prognostications appear to be spot on. I also share your assertion that a study of history supplies an insight into future events due to the constancy of “human nature.” Where we appear to part ways is in the definition of “money.” […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2023

ASIA: India forecast economic growth of 6% to 6.8% in the 2023/24 fiscal year, slowing from the 7% growth projected for the current year ending on March 31, as a global slowdown is likely to hurt exports. The economic growth forecast for 2023/24 is higher than the International Monetary Fund’s projection of 6.1%, as the […]

What if Russia Nukes Kyiv?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In the event that Russia does employ nuclear weaponry in/over Ukraine, does Socrates offer any insight as to what effect that might have on Ukrainian food/energy/commodities -production in general (…. let alone their capabilities, or likely lack thereof, to transport, said items from fields/mines/etc. to harbors/rail-lines/etc.); and what type of effect […]

Market Talk – February 15, 2023

ASIA:   Chinese provinces spent more than £42.8bn on tackling Covid-19 in 2022, according to data released by local governments, with the figure expected to rise as the huge cost of the pandemic hits the world’s second-largest economy. Although national statistics are not yet available, at least 20 of China’s 31 provinces have published figures […]

War itself is a Crime – it is legalized mass murder

The Ukrainian people WRONGLY believe that Putin is their enemy. You are looking in the WRONG direction. The Ukrainian people had better overthrow Zelensky fast before they lose their entire country and could come by April 26th. The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, just confirmed that he could care less about all the civilian […]

Depression Scrip – Coming to a Region Near You

QUESTION: At the WEC, you said as the nation breaks apart, the most likely course of action will be the creation of local currencies. You also said you would post a catalog of Depression Scrip. I have not seen that. Can you post that, please? Thank you for a great WEC. Always learning something new. […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2023

ASIA:   The Agricultural Bank of China, one of the country’s largest commercial lenders, has pledged stronger financial support for spring farming. The bank said it will strive to issue more than 160 billion yuan ($23.48 billion) in loans for spring farming preparations this year and will improve the efficiency of financial services. The financial […]

China Raises Draft Age up to 60 Years Old

Of course, China knows that the Biden Administration wants war. They are increasing their age limits for military service to up to 60 years old. Don’t get upset and think you will be too old for the United States and Europe. You can never be too old to die for your local politician. We will […]