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Contribution from Norway — War & Money

COMMENT:  Good morning, Martin. Yesterday I bought an old booklet printed for 10 NoK at the Armed Forces Museum: “Laws, resolutions and prescripts due to circumstances of war”, by the Justice Department, printed in Kristiania (now Oslo) in 1917. I thought I there would find the outline of a recipe for what may come here […]

If you Need a Reason to Sell Britain Try Cameron — the New Closet Marxist

Prime Minister David Cameron shows how politicians are really cross dressers. Just because he is the head of the Conservatives does not mean that he is conservative. Cameron told the press that he will raise everyone’s taxes UNLESS the government can just start seizing money from people’s bank accounts that they THINK they might owe. […]

Is the Recession Starting?

The ISM purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing sector in December 2015 in the USA has plummeted to its lowest level since June of 2009. This warns that the U.S. economy is entering a recession that is in line with the forecast of the ECM and the rise in the dollar. However, keep in mind […]

Our Nemesis – Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the DVD. You gave so much information, I think I will have to watch the DVD several times. I can see the debt crisis here in Europe […]

Our Nemesis – The Sovereign Debt Crisis

Nemesis & Justice in Pursuit QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to thank you for the conference in Berlin. It was my first time attending. I cannot wait for the DVD. You gave so much information, I think I will have to watch the DVD several times. I can see the debt crisis here in Europe […]

The Real Reason Inflation Unfolds

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Thank you EVER SO MUCH for everything that you do even for ordinary folks like me who are not traders but just want to have a good grasp of where to put their money. I have already learnt a great deal by merely following your blog throughout the last two years, and […]

2017: The Year from Political Hell

QUESTION: Greetings Elections were always the same dates, why is it that we’ve only started discussing them in the last week? Regards, JCL ANSWER: It is not just the USA this time, it is France and Germany, plus the referendum vote on Britain leaving the EU. All of this will bring a lot of uncertainty to Europe which […]

Australia Cannibalizing its own Economy

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has applied for access to everything to hunt for money. They want access to phone calls, emails, posts, and SMS text messages. We have verified this with several sources. Like Rome, Australia is cannibalizing its own economy. They will succeed in destroying Western civilization and when the G20 tracks every […]

The Insanity of the Housing Market

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s reign – to make rents cheaper has not really made rents cheaper and has caused residential property to be out of reach for young people. It is a divisive issue as ‘investment’ […]

UBER Drivers Destroying Their Own Jobs in Court Battle

The UBER case in the Ninth Circuit (California) demonstrates that drivers’ are blinded by greed and cannot see that they are altering the entire basis of UBER. They risk putting the company out of business. Drivers who sued UBER contend they are employees and should be reimbursed for expenses, including gas and vehicle maintenance. The judge is allowing them to […]