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The Big Short

QUESTION: Marty; I am curious what you thought of the Big Short especially since you are the one who got the timing right to the day. In markets, I do not have to tell you that being too early is more dangerous than being too late. Since that fateful day on the floor when the […]

Clinton Defends Big Banks & Repeal of Glass-Steagall

Hillary’s big money comes from NY bankers. Guess what? Hillary is defending the bankers as is her husband. Hillary claims she would endorse an approach that would break up large banks if they take excessive risks. That is very vague. However, Hillary has also stated bluntly that reinstating Glass-Steagall would not address the types of institutions that […]

War Games Always Go Bad

1952 CIA Document to Create Nationalism in Afghanistan QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read with great interest your insight into another motive behind the illogical attempt to overthrow Syria with respect to Genie. Do you agree that ISIS has been initiated by the CIA? ANSWER: America’s ambitions to topple governments in the Middle East goes back to at […]

Market Talk – January 5, 2016

Certainly, the markets were a lot more sedate today than they were on the first day of 2016! All eyes were on China after yesterday’s exchange close and initially, we did see a rather depressed (-2.6%) open, but only to recover within minutes. Most of the day was spent in and out of the red […]

NSA Spies on Congress

The NSA has been caught taping conversations between Capitol Hill and Israel. Glenn Greenwald reported that the “NSA under President Obama targeted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his top aides for surveillance. In the process, the agency ended up eavesdropping on ‘the contents of some of their private conversations with U.S.'” He notes that those who supported […]

If you Need a Reason to Sell Britain Try Cameron — the New Closet Marxist

Prime Minister David Cameron shows how politicians are really cross dressers. Just because he is the head of the Conservatives does not mean that he is conservative. Cameron told the press that he will raise everyone’s taxes UNLESS the government can just start seizing money from people’s bank accounts that they THINK they might owe. […]

Trump Highlights the Hypocrisy of HIllary

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton, who is championing the disarmament of America, by challenging her by saying bluntly that if guns do not keep people safe, then Hillary should travel without armed bodyguards to prove her position.

World Real Estate Report

Our “World Real Estate Report” is now available for all clients. The report, priced at $400, is a combination of part I and II of the “Real Estate” reports, which are a combined 226 pages. This report provides an overview of the markets around the world with respect to real estate and the trends in […]

Transactional Banking Report

 The “Transactional Banking” report is now available to all clients. This report traces the problem that is destroying Western Civilization. This transformation of banking from the historical Relationship Banking to Transactional Banking undermines civilization itself. This is at the heart of everything that is turning society down moving in the anti-civilization direction that at the extreme ends up in only […]

The War Cycle 2015 Update

“The War Cycle” 2015 Update report is now available. In this report, we discuss the historic origin of the seemingly endless battle between the Sunnis and Shiites. We will discuss the varying beliefs between the two groups, as well as the sociologic and economic implications that continue to plague the region today. This event may […]