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The Democrats are Silencing RFK

The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing videos featuring RFK from their site as they with anyone who questioned the pandemic. He already has a massive platform from his famous father and uncle. […]

Has the World Simply Gone Mad?

 The indictment of Trump federally confirms what our computer has been warning about for the 2024 election – there will be none – at least a fair one at that. Never has any former president running for office been targeted and the Department of Justice has been completely weaponized. All for documents that he clearly […]

Market Talk – June 8, 2023

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 272.47 points or -0.85% to 31,641.27 Shanghai increased 15.83 points or 0.49% to 3,213.59 Hang Seng increased 47.18 points or 0.25% to 19,299.18 ASX 200 decreased 18.30 points or -0.26% to 7,099.70 Kospi decreased 4.75 points or -0.18% to 2,610.85 […]

Will It All Explode by the Ides of May 2025?

I know some people send emails alleging I am some sort of Putin supporter. Most of my sources come from inside Ukraine. There is NO government on this earth that EVER has 100% approval of its people. There are ALWAYS two sides just as we have in the polarization of the United States. Many have […]

Major Hotel Chains Shutting San Francisco Locations

San Francisco and other blue cities are overrun with crime, permitted by light-on-crime policies. I know numerous people who travel for work, and all they can discuss after visiting cities such as San Francisco and Seattle is the urban encampments and rampant crime that occurs in broad daylight. Companies no longer wish to hold conferences […]

Market Talk – June 7, 2023

ASIA: Singapore’s retail sales exceeded expectations, increasing by 3.6% year-on-year (YoY) and surpassing the projected contraction of 1.9% YoY. On a monthly basis, retail sales rose by 4.2%, with a similar increase seen when excluding motor vehicle sales. Despite elevated inflation, retail sales have remained strong, potentially due to the return of visitors to Singapore. […]

US Voters Want Economic Growth over Equality

Inflation has hurt everyone. It is no surprise that a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that US voters are now prioritizing economic growth of equality. The latest survey found that 64% of voters favor policies that contribute to economic growth, while only 27% said they prioritized economic fairness. In 2019, before the last election, […]

Market Talk – June 6, 2023

ASIA:   According to the World Bank, India’s economic growth is expected to slow down further to 6.3% in the financial year FY 2023/24. This is a downward revision of 0.3 percentage points from the previous estimate of 6.6%. The main reason for the slowdown is attributed to constrained private consumption caused by high inflation. […]

Real Estate, Blackrock & Dodd-Frank

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a question about Blackrock buying up all these homes. It seems that the Dodd-Frank bill empowered Blackrock to buy up all of these homes and rent them out. Was this all rigged for their benefit? Thank you for being a rare light of truth in these dark times. ED ANSWER: […]

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

COMMENT: Your reporting on the Red Cross and other organizations that facilitate the mass importation of illegals into America is well done. But its purpose is about more than just a move to import a bunch of Biden voters to help secure a second term. Are you aware of the Cloward and Piven strategy? These […]