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Police R Being Militarized? Why?

America’s police are looking more and more like the military, reports the Guardian. There seems to be a continued effort toward preparing for civil unrest rather than reforming the economic system. We have to STOP all borrowing by government and stop competing with the private sector for capital. As government desperately trying to keep interest […]

Russia Nationalizing Pensions?

The crisis we face in Pension is indicative of the entire problem with Socialism – it just does not work. What is unfolding now is quite simple. Pensions present a very tempting source of funds for cash-strapped governments who desperately need to fill in holes in their overall budgets, Governments have borrowed every year with no […]

Manipulations & Exceptions – One-Dimensional Thinking

QUESTION: Some analysts “expect that the u.s. treasury will keep interest rates low for many years. they quote japan`s so-called “lost decade” as a precendant and appear to expect that such artificial supression will in fact work ( obviously against what you consider “market forces”). which poses the question: does japan`s “lost decade” conform to the ECM […]

What Socialism Destroyed – Gov’t Shutdown

The U.S. government began to shut down for the first time in 17 years early Today, after a bitterly divided Congress over Obamacare defunding failed to reach any agreement as expected. What must be stated openly is that the “New Deal” of Roosevelt has actually destroyed the very fabric that formed society that nobody wants to […]

DEBT – PENSION CRISIS – Fuel Behind A Stock Rally

I cannot emphasize how serious a situation we are in on two fronts (1) Sovereign Debt Crisis and (2) Pension Crisis. These are really global problems that are going to explode in our faces. In Europe we have the Sovereign Debt Crisis has spilled over into the banking system since banks were required to have […]

They Are Officially Eyeing up Pensions

I have been warning that my sources on Capital Hill have been pointing to the next great take-over that is coming – the $19.4 trillion in pension funds. This is now starting to hit the mainstream press. This will be the way to regain national security by buying back foreign holders of US debt. Additionally, […]

Fed’s Schizophrenia

Fed’s Schizophrenia (a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes) seems to have the unprofessional world in a tailspin where the talking heads are talking to themselves. The Federal Reserve shocked the media and the typical market investor when it announced that it would not taper its $85 billion bond buying program. I […]


QUESTION: “You have said in your blog that stocks and real estate (tangibles) are the place to be but you also mention deflation. … Can we really have inflating asset prices and deflation at the same time — or are you saying the deflation comes down the road,after 2015.75 (when we will pray for hyperinflation)? ANSWER: We are […]

It’s a Matter of Confidence

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for confidence.  For example, the stock/bond relationship can change over time, so stocks do not ultimately go up or down based on what bonds do but based on where confidence […]

Fed is Trapped – They Have Injected Tremendous Volatility Into the System

The Fed said that it would continue buying bonds at an $85 billion monthly pace for now, expressing concerns that a sharp rise in borrowing costs in recent months could weigh on the economy. What the Fed is really saying is that behind-the-curtain everyone is screaming that interest rates will rise and that will blow […]