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Disease Is Cyclical — They Want to Claim It Is Global Warming to Raise Your Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it appears that even dengue fever comes and goes according to your 51.6 year frequency. Does this 8.6 year cycle appear just in everything around us? ANSWER: It certainly appears to be so. The dengue fever outbreak in 2015 appears to be on a cyclical schedule. Dengue is one of 17 illnesses listed as “neglected tropical diseases” by […]

Socrates Inquiry to be Added in 2016

  In 2016, we will add additional features to the Socrates platform. At first, the questions will be limited to specific markets. Above is an example concerning the dollar/euro. We will also feature correlation access. For example, you can ask what markets will turn on Wednesday this week or what is the major monthly turning […]

Market Talk December 23rd, 2015

A definite Christmas theme today with most markets meandering into the festive season. Japan was closed for annual holiday (Emperor’s Birthday) and many markets were on half-day (Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and Australia). The PBOC set mid-point for the Yuan at 6.4731 but saw the market push it to 6.478 (don’t forget the range can […]

Armstrong Named Forex Person of the Year

FXStreet has named Martin Armstrong the Forex Person of the Year for his 2015 forecasts on currencies. Quoting from an interview: “We will see the same crisis hit the Swiss franc peg to the euro. Devaluations take place BECAUSE currencies must be fluid.”

'Tis the Season — Even for War

Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents?

There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls are in favor of exiting the EU, thank God Maggie is not around to watch what her Conservative Party is doing these days. Politicians have always been […]

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely integrated with the European Union. Ukraine now faces immense challenges in terms of democratic transition. Territorial integrity and constitutional stability are major issues on the table in Ukraine. While USA […]

EU Summit Disaster — "Another Victory Like That, and We Have Lost"

Merkel has to be saying to herself, “Another victory like that, and we have lost.” She may have made TIME’s Person of the Year, however, so did Adolf Hitler in 1938. It is not a position of prestige for great achievements, but rather the person who has had the most influence that year whether it was good […]

Market Talk – December 22, 2015

Asia returned a quiet lacklustre day’s trading on Tuesday with Toshiba alone being the reason the whole market had edged lower. The stock sank an additional 12.3%, extending Monday’s 9.8% decline having stated it is expected to post a 550B loss in yen ($4.54Bln) for the fiscal year. In Shanghai and Hong Kong, we saw marginal […]

Keep the Powder Dry Going into Year-End

This is historically a thin period of trading. Things can be a bit more volatile for a lot of the big money parks and parties at this time of the year. The Dow has not broken to the downside of the upside, as it is BASING within the trading channel. Wait for DEFINITIVE trades to […]