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Marion Marechal-Le Pen: The Better Looking Donald Trump of France

When the New York Times first wrote that “[Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is] The French Weapon of Mass Distraction: France’s youngest member of Parliament is 25 and she takes no prisoners,” I seriously doubt they ever realized that she could actually become the president of a district in France. However, this stunningly beautiful and smart 26y-ear-old politician is more than […]

Politics: It's Not What You Think

  COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,I just was looking at your blog entry about the Republican higher-ups choosing their candidate against the voters.I always tell people this story when something like that comes up. I was a Ron Paul supporter back the last time he was running. I lived in Massachusetts, a little north of Boston. […]

Will Obama Pay Tax on $1.2 Million in Gifts from Saudi Arabia?

If you receive valuable jewelry as a gift, you cannot return to the USA without reporting it and paying the tax. The Saudi king gave Michelle Obama and her daughters $1.2 million in jewels. So why are the Obamas allowed to keep them tax-free? Oh yes, taxes are for the “little people” (munchkins) who live outside of […]

100,000 Troops to Fight ISIS

The Iraqi Agency Press reported that some 100,000 foreign soldiers, including 90,000 from Arab countries and the Gulf States, are expected to be sent to combat ISIS in 2016. This is the beginning of a serious war that is unfolding for it has no real borders.

Market Talk – December 11, 2015

Asia managed a mixed session torn between the falling oil price and the Dow’s rally. Europe was very sure what should happen when oil was hit again this morning. WTI and Brent fell another 1.5% on the back of an earlier report from the IEA (International Energy Agency) and they are forecasting a slack in 2016 based […]

One Reason Not to Vote Republican

The political elites do not like Trump or ANY outsider. Now, top Republican Party officials are actually discussing the possibility of a brokered convention — a DICTATORSHIP — where the choice of the people will have no input. Since Trump is leading in double digits against all career politicians, the only way for Washington and the press to maintain their power […]

The Computer Did Pretty Well on the Dax

  Notice the Panic Cycles targeted 12/03 and volatility in cycles into the end of this week. We live in interesting times. People ask how the computer can do this. It is NOT the instrument that matters. HOW people interact through that instrument is the common denominator, which is why fundamental analysis fails. People act […]

The Superbug Has Arrived

For years, there have been warnings that the overuse of antibiotics was a danger. Now that danger has arrived. A new superbug has evolved, as life itself is always a cycle. This new superbug is impervious to ALL known antibiotics, an evolutionary step that was never contemplated. This superbug has the ability to infect other […]

Do We NEED Computers to See Beyond Our Own Hardwiring?

  One of the battles in trying to produce real analysis is our hardwiring. We naturally have an attraction toward repeating sequential and palindromic numbers or events that extend beyond what we consciously realize. This is our inherent hardwiring that comes down to our basic species survival instinct. Animals hear just a sound and scurry. […]

Gold & Dow Inflation Adjusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just curious KW Dow Jones Industrial in LOG Scale ANSWER: The 1929 high on the Dow Jones Industrials was 386. That adjusted for inflation in 2015 dollars would […]