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Silver – Beware of 2640

A reader wrote: Yes. I am a “silverbug”. I never attacked you since I am a very open minded silverbug not a fanatic. But now the charts and the prices are showing your theory that in the economy, all the big money goes to the dollar  first. So what should be the primary advice for timing […]

Why Academics Remain Hopeless

I have always been a logical thinker. The teacher got very angry when I was in 4th grade and connected the dots concluding what she said was pure nonsense. Since she could not explain herself,  the school called my father. He had to come down and plead with them not to expel me. So I […]

Electronic Money

The idea that we can use electronic money is certainly the way of the future. But unless we reform government, nothing will ever be safe. The Cyprus Confiscation shows how easy it is for government to act arbitrarily. They unplugged Iran and did the same to the Vatican until they agreed to comply. The […]

Are we Headed into a Mad Max Scenario?

The 1981 film Mad Max with Mel Gibson has been the subject of many emails asking what to do, should they store some food, silver coins, etc. As a trader, you always plan for ALL options so when they emerge, you know where to turn and what to do. I am diligently working to get […]

Understanding the Euro and the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy

Understanding the Euro And the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy                                               Copyright October 28th, 1997 By Martin A. Armstrong There appears to be great confusion among not merely the public sector officials, […]

Building the Foundation for the Next Great European Economic Disaster

EMU Building the Foundation for the Next Great European Economic Disaster Copyright July 1996                                                       By: Martin A. Armstrong There is a huge debate fermenting over the future of Europe. In […]

The Rise & Fall of the Euro

Copyright August 21st, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]


Gold & 2013 Dow Jones & 2013 The Age of Materialism/Consumerism 2013 – The Roller-Coaster Ride of Your Life The Fate of Europe 2013 Cycle of War & Political-Economy Beware the Taxman Cometh When I Was Wrong Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? Virginia Investigates Gold Back Currency as Alternative to the […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The purpose of the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference that was filmed for a movie is not to say gee where can I put my money for 10 years and not worry about it. That does not exist. We are facing the meltdown of society as government gets more controlling than ever in history. Switzerland was […]

Welcome to Armstrong Economics

[s_ticker_display] Welcome to Armstrong Economics where our mission is to provide a public service for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis available. We provide an integrated understandable global model approach that is free of personal bias, bravado, or other nonsense, enabling you to see the […]