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Election is Being Stolen?

These are just two of the faces of the new Tyranny. When the history books are written, they will go down as two of the people who undermined our entire freedom. Jack Dorsey is probably the worst. He seems to think he is trying to bring back the fashion role of Rasputin. He may go […]

The Lessons of the 2020 Election

  The election is still not decided, but there are MAJOR lessons to emerge. LESSON #1 Hillary outspent Trump in 2016 and lost. Bloomberg pouring over $100 million into Florida to defeat Trump and lost. The Democrats poured money in from around the country and spent $104 million to defeat Lyndsey Grahm and lost. The […]

Market Talk – November 3, 2020

ASIA: Ant Group’s highly anticipated IPO has been suspended following a meeting between the company’s billionaire co-founder Jack Ma and regulators in China, an abrupt move that threatens what was due to be the largest share sale in history. The Shanghai Stock Exchange said in a statement on Tuesday that it had postponed the company’s […]

The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote

  I have independent sources that have long confirmed that this is absolutely spot on. This is something neither Russia nor China could do because they lack the infrastructure that the CIA/NSA has established with taps directly into the trunk lines for communications. Moreover, that was also confirmed by the documents released by Snowden. It […]

The Insanity of This Election

  The Democrats have turned up the hatred against Republicans to new heights. They are demonizing Trump and constantly alleging he was falsely elected, and they are certain to do the same this time around. They have divided the country deeply and Trump has failed to drain the swamp. Glen Greenwald has come out and […]

The View from Overseas on US Election

COMMENT (SCOTLAND): Hello Martin All I can say is God help us if Trump is not re-elected. It feels like humanity is on a knife-edge and if Biden becomes President then its game over. Im in Scotland and would never have believed that the fate of humanity would lie in the hands of an American […]

Elections Are Won by Those Who Count Votes – not by those who Vote

QUESTION: You have said this will be the most corrupt election in history. Do you care to elaborate on that? HC ANSWER: We may not know for some time. But the real threat will be not that China or Russia hack into the election, for both understand what is at stake. They would want Trump […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2020

ASIA: Australia’s former ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, has warned Australia is likely to keep suffering economic harm from “repeated rounds of Chinese economic coercion,” and needs to find a way to reset the relationship. He said Seafood exporters are the latest industry group to report disruptions in accessing the Chinese market, and thus Australia […]

Will the Polls be Wrong Again?

COMMENT: Hi Martin Your comments on polls and the overwhelming perception of them by independent thinkers, reminded me of a (at the time) controversial history paper we had to do in high school. We had to give our impression of a political situation and compare what we thought to the message communicated by polls at […]

Lockdown Corruption & Destruction of Small Business

COMMENT (from UK): Hi Martin There might be a lot of people that originally supported the lockdowns out of ‘fear’ – however, this has been rapidly diminishing even in my own extended family. We were frustratingly at one stage over 80% in favour, that had dropped to under 30%, I suspect it is similar in […]