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The Currency & Banking Crisis for Europe

QUESTION: Thanks for this free advice. But, in this comment: “/our-european-tour-part-ii-seizing-all-bank-accounts-throughout-eu/” You write: “Clearly, people should be fully aware of the thinking process in government. Brussels will become authoritarian when the free markets rain on their parade. I strongly recommend that everyone should keep 30 days worth of cash to cover your basic needs.” But, it […]

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Comes in Two Flavours

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Paris conference of the BIS when you were the keynote speaker. You delivered a forecast that was probably too far ahead for its time. You said the euro would go through and it would first drop but then peak with deflation in 2008 after the markets crash from 2007. […]

Obamacare is Officially Destroying the Economy & Has Reached 60% of total Retail Sales

The retail sector has been stagnant and most people are blaming AMAZON. A closer look is really required rather than the typical superficial analysis. Today, online sales represent only 8.5% of total retail sales. Amazon comes in at $80 billion in sales, but this merely amounts to just 1.5% of total U.S. retail sales, since 2016 total retail […]

The Risk of North Korea

QUESTION: Dear Mister Armstrong, I have been pondering the thought of Mr. Tump actually welcoming a war with South Korea since Kim Jong Eng launched the first missile via the genesis of the Trump administration. If a war materialized would it not have a actual possibility of stinging China’s economy to a certain degree after all […]

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)

U.S. Supreme Court Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company No. 898 Argued March 7, 8. 11, 12, 13, 1895 Decided April 8, 1895. 157 U.S. 429 APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus […]

Which Banks to Keep Cash Short-term

QUESTION: Hi Marty A quick question for you – given the moves afoot inside the EU are blocking bank accounts even of those with less than €100,000 , which banking jurisdictions would you put on the shortlist for those ordinary people resident in Europe who want a bank in a decent jurisdiction and where the regulatory […]

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law

We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear arrogance that they will punish foreigners for not obeying US law outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. What if Germany passed a law to punish […]

Trump & Chaos

US President Donald Trump may be a good businessman, but in politics, he just does not get it. Politics is all about ego and back-stabbing. It is not about logic and the art of the deal. After just ten days in the office, Trump’s communications chief, Anthony Scaramucci has been forced to resign. The Chief […]

Our European Tour

Our European Tour this season has been very enlightening including meetings with politicians, corporations and many of the top banks. The concern centers around the ECB having to change policy with regard to negative interest rates. The net result has been to create massive hoarding of cash rather than spending cash for the sake of […]

The Month-End Closing for July 2017

The dollar correction for this Year from Political Hell is still in motion, but there is no major change in trend that is at hand. In the British pound, the Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 13485 level on cash.  In the Euro, the Monthly Bullish remains up at 12885 with a Minor Monthly Bullish at […]