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Who is Buying US Bonds?

There is only one country that has bought massive long-term U.S. bonds in July and that was Japan. They bought the incredible amount of long-term bonds totaling $52 billion. Most other foreign governments have reduced their holdings of long-term U.S. bonds by $62.5 billion over the same period with Russia dumping $6 billion in July. This […]

ECB Warns Greece May Need Two More Bail-Outs

Greece is in trouble because the entire global monetary system is turning to dust and will soon fall to the ground. You cannot borrow forever with no intention of paying anyone back. Greece will still need even more help possibly twice according to the ECB (European Central Bank):. Greece will need about €10-11 billion euros and […]

September 18 – Ben Bernanke To Trim QE or Not – That is the Question

Bernanke is in a real box. He knows he needs to trim back the QE purchases, but at the same time he is concerned about the rising bond yields and interest rates. This can send the deficit much higher at a time when there is still a debt ceiling debate ahead. The question of will he […]

John Bolton v Lindsey Graham

There is absolutely less evidence to support an attack upon Syria than there was for Iraq. At least Iraq invaded another country. The former US Ambassador John Bolton came out and stated if he was a member of Congress he would vote NO. Meanwhile, the alleged closet homosexual who rumors on the Hill state he […]

The Fire is Burning – We Need More Fuel

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong,   I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does what you say about the DJIA equate equally with the S&P 500, or are they going to diverge and one goes up, while the other crashes? […]

No SIngle Investment will Ever be Perpetual – It all changes

QUESTION: You compare gold and the Dow in 1980 and today. Are you saying stocks are better or are you referring to the difference in timing? ANSWER: There are cyclical periods for each and every aspect of investment. I talk about the gold promoters because they mislead people and tell them only gold will survive. […]

Fed Tapering – To be or Not to be?

QUESTION: Will the Fed still taper? ANSWER: The Fed ‘tapering’ will happen but it is not truly impacting the economy. That is the whole fallacy about what is going to happen. Buying the mortgage back securities does nothing for the economy. This has neither been inflationary nor stimulating.WHY? The theory is the Fed is actually injecting […]

Bail-Ins May Spark Far More Than People Realize

QUESTION: I listened to a radio interview where you said the Dow could double by 2016. Is that for real? ANSWER: Yes! There is never a single reason for anything despite the TV reduces everything to this happened because of this. There is the major trend of Public confidence that shifts to Private. We can […]

Aluminum Manipulation Leads to Lawsuits Against Goldman etc – The Days of Proprietary Trading Are

There are many lawsuits being filed against the New York Bankers for manipulating the commodities. Suits have been filed in Florida, Chicago, and New York. It is no secret that I have stood up to these people an opposed their manipulations. But this has been the name of the name in the commodity field for […]

Defining Hyperinflation – The Coming New Currency

Some define hyperinflation as merely the cumulative inflation rate over three years approaching or exceeding 100% with an annual rate above 25%. The reason I do not agree with that definition is because many countries have had brief periods of inflation at that level, survived, and even the currency lives for another day. The USA […]