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Le Pen should Beat the Socialists & Conservatives in Presidential Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it was a pleasure to meet you here in Paris. You said that Le Pen should beat both the socialists and conservatives. Is this what your computer has forecast or was this your opinion? PC ANSWER: Our computer projects that Le Pen will beat the socialists and conservatives. That may sound nuts, […]

Are Negative Rates Fueling Deflation?

Those in power never understand markets. They are very myopic in their view of the world. The assumption that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the economy has NEVER worked, not even once. Nevertheless, they assume they can manipulate society in the Marxist-Keynesian ideal world, but what if they are wrong? By lowering interest rates, they ASSUME they will encourage […]

Academics to Get $100 Billion a Year to Investigate Global Warming

The Paris Agreement committed to fund the academics, who created this fictional theory that ignores the fundamental laws of physics, with $100 BILLION ANNUALLY. Guess who pays for that — YOU — with more taxes coming.

Politics: It's Not What You Think

  COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,I just was looking at your blog entry about the Republican higher-ups choosing their candidate against the voters.I always tell people this story when something like that comes up. I was a Ron Paul supporter back the last time he was running. I lived in Massachusetts, a little north of Boston. […]

Will Obama Pay Tax on $1.2 Million in Gifts from Saudi Arabia?

If you receive valuable jewelry as a gift, you cannot return to the USA without reporting it and paying the tax. The Saudi king gave Michelle Obama and her daughters $1.2 million in jewels. So why are the Obamas allowed to keep them tax-free? Oh yes, taxes are for the “little people” (munchkins) who live outside of […]

One Reason Not to Vote Republican

The political elites do not like Trump or ANY outsider. Now, top Republican Party officials are actually discussing the possibility of a brokered convention — a DICTATORSHIP — where the choice of the people will have no input. Since Trump is leading in double digits against all career politicians, the only way for Washington and the press to maintain their power […]

The Next French Revolution

Politics in France are changing and the shift underway is ahead of the 2017 presidential elections. Today, France’s far-right National Front won almost 30% of the vote. Between the high taxes, abuse of socialists who have driven the economy into the ground (as evident by the share market decline when everyone else had been making […]

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

  I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. The EU has imposed the first outright total asset reporting requirement for cash, jewelry, and anything […]

ECB & The Failed QE Stimulus

The central banks are simply trapped. They have bought in bonds under the theory that this will stimulate the economy by injecting cash. But there are several problems with this entire concept. This is an elitist view to say the least for the money injected does not stimulate the economy for it never reaches the […]

Germany Gives List of 10,000+ Greeks with Swiss Accounts

The Guardian has reported that the hunt for money is indeed in full swing. Germany has now handed Greece the names of more than 10,000 Greeks who they say are dodging taxes with holdings in Swiss banks. These people are destroying the world economy and cannot even see what they are doing. What rebuilt the world […]