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Germany Gives List of 10,000+ Greeks with Swiss Accounts

The Guardian has reported that the hunt for money is indeed in full swing. Germany has now handed Greece the names of more than 10,000 Greeks who they say are dodging taxes with holdings in Swiss banks. These people are destroying the world economy and cannot even see what they are doing. What rebuilt the world […]

Conference – Intro v Veteran

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You write that you apologize that you can only provide 400 seats to this years’ World Economics Forum in Berlin. Why don’t you offer the possibilty to take part via an Internet Conference? So a lot more people could join your conference! Best regards, AS ANSWER: Doing a two day live […]

George Carlin – Saving the Planet – Dirty but Funny

Government the New Robber Barons?

Australian Gov't Converting itself to a Dictatorship?

The Australian Government is introducing legislation that converts itself into a virtual dictatorship whereby it has sweeping powers to order any communication company to simply do whatever they command. The claim the powers are as always for national security to prevent spies and criminals from accessing communications. This is akin to government saying they want […]

Berlin WEC Cocktail Party 2015


War & Putting It All Together

COMMENT: You forecasted a world war.‎ What my generation only looks back at through a historical looking glass in an attempt to isolate the starting events of the last great war you have called into focus in real time as events unfold in the current great war. In advance of events unfolding. This experience is unsettling, […]

"Cry 'Havoc !' and Let Slip the Dogs of War"

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; I am a reformed goldbug who was naive to put it mildly but my wife called it stupidity. You have been correct and they have been wrong but that is just the surface. What you have opened my eyes to is the cyclical nature of everything around us. Not just markets, you […]

France Shutting Down Prepaid Debt Cards

France is using the terror attack as the excuse now to shut down pre-paid debt cards. Terrorists can circumvent any restriction. It is like gun control. Criminal do not buy guns at a store. Like drugs, they are readily available on the streets. Regulations only impact honest people just like debt cads or whatever. I […]

Berlin WEC About to Begin

  We are sorry that we could not add more seats or hold additional sessions. Princeton was above our preferred size reaching 600 and Berlin we are sold out at 400. We just could not accommodate more clients. We apologize for being unable to hold more sessions.