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Cyprus ATMs

From sources in Cyprus: “They just voted on measures a little while ago which will seize portion of everyone’s savings.” Cyprus ATMs basically say up yours. To be impartial here, the politicians rushed to get the Euro through, came to us and I warned there had to be a single national debt. The response was that […]

Two Years Ago this Plan to Seize Bank Accounts was Proposed

The Swiss banking regulator previously published a paper two years ago proposing that to rescue the bankers in Switzerland the solution is to also just take money from accounts. This demonstrates what I have been warning about. ANYONE who has a career in government looks upon the people as absolute economic slaves. They stand up […]

The Jobless Recovery

I have received a lot of inquiries about the jobless recovery. Some questions ranging from what is going on to others asking advice to give children for a career. The economy is evolving like a child. People do not understand the evolutionary process nor does government. The economy is never stagnant albeit unions have tried […]

Gold Backwardation – The Real Story

The Gold backwardation has been distorted as all sorts of reasons for everything. Normally, this is the market condition wherein the price of a forward or futures contract is trading below the expected spot price at contract maturity. Consequently, the resulting futures or forward curve is “inverted” whereby it is negative because gold is trading […]

Understanding Correlations

Understanding correlations is important. EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations are NOT one for one, and often show changes in advance of turns. It is a lot to keep track of but this is why I try to post a global view to help you see the […]

Why Pension Will Collapse

Shakespeare’s Polonius offered this classic advice to his son: “neither a borrower nor a lender be.” Ben Franklin commented on the subject of debt saying: “Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.” The politics of debt has always ruined the state. The celebrated British economist John Maynard Keynes said it like this: “If I […]

IN RE SINKING FUND CASES, 99 U.S. 700 (1878)

U.S. Supreme Court IN RE SINKING FUND CASES, 99 U.S. 700 (1878) 99 U.S. 700 (L.Ed.) SINKING-FUND CASES. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY v. UNITED STATES. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY v. GALLATIN. October Term, 1878 APPEAL from the Court of Claims. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of California. The […]

Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies

Throughout history there has been countless two-tier monetary systems where at times there have been a local currency issued by the immediate government, yet the people rely upon the currency of another government. Such periods are interesting for they are not official but emerge by the people rather than through a decree of a government. […]

Greece – The Canary In The Coal Mine

The ultimate price of Marxism is striking its deep blow into the very heart of Western Society. We are about to learn the VERY same lesson that both Russia and China had to learn. You cannot control society through its economy by dictating prosperity. President Karolos Papoulias of Greece has come out and made a very […]

Thank You – There is More to Come – Currency Collapse?

“I think you’re a positive influence to many more then you think, and I know they hope you stay the course.  A lot of my friends read your work and appreciate it.  There’s always going to be haters, and who knows why and who can explain them??  I’ve observed my life that some people simply […]