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The Other Side of Uprisings – Religion

The issue of Russia’s anti-gay policies has been a hot topic for the Olympics. However, this masks the underlying issue. This is not some personal issue of Putin. There is also a rising tide against liberalism. The right-wing even in Ukraine want 7 years in prison for a girl who gets an abortion and the […]

The Debt Ceiling – Non-Issue

Behind the Curtain China and others warned the US that if it played games with the debt, it would be the last the US would be able to sell its debt to foreign lands. This is also why Obama announced tax-free long-term bonds for Americans to bring the debt home. This is why there is […]

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

The Winds of War – R the Markets Responding?

The markets are starting to align with the Cycle of War and this includes gold. This is a very serious development and it is why I stated previously that gold had reached our minimum objective. At the very least, there is room for a rally if we elect some key Bullish Reversals. Not even the oscillators […]

American Tanks Returning to Europe

American tanks were removed from Europe with a lot of press last year. They are now returning, but of course just for training purposes on military NATO camps in Germany.The British Defense department is also now searching for a military practice camps in the German Alps. Why ? Previously, tanks and NATO troops were practicing […]

Thailand Anti-Government Corruption

The anti-government protests in Thailand are against corruption. This is the same trend we are seeing in Ukraine and will erupt in Europe, Japan, and then eventually the USA after 2016. The economy has to turn down before you get protests. The downside of these types of protests is when the police benefit from the […]

The Collapse of a Country – This is What it Looks Like – CONFIDENCE

Argentina – The Blue Dollar   This notion that hyperinflation is how a nation collapses is very superficial. The real issue behind the collapse of a country is the collapse in the CONFIDENCE of the government. This is why we tend to see what people call “hyperinflation” in revolutionary and third world economies compared to […]

Politicians – Sometimes Just a Scam

The Mayor of city of Kharkov(Ukraine) Michael Dobkin, trying to make a public announcement. Hopeless. This video is from 2007. It symbolizes the plight against corruption in Ukraine.

Civil Unrest Rising in Europe

Official and security departments throughout Europe are now worried about a rising tide in Europe of Civil Unrest. In Spain, anyone who demonstrates spontaneously in the Spanish Parliament, have to pay a fine of €600,000 euros and thus no free speech. The Spanish are increasing penalties for protesting and threatening anyone who dares to film […]

What About Croatia?

QUESTION: Hi, Mr Armstrong, when You said “they will confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe” did You mean also Croatia? Regards ANSWER: Sorry to say – you will be included. This was one of the factors that also persuaded Ukraine to turn away from Europe. The problem is this mixture of German austerity (deflation) and […]