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The Great Rotation – Why Stocks Are Bullish

  Hand-drawn Chart Published in 1979 I have been explaining how capital shifts from Public to Private during a Private Wave investment cycle. Bond yields are way too low and risks way too high. It is now being recognized that capital is starting to shift from bonds to equities. They call this the Great Rotation. Based […]

What Can We Do?

A number of people have asked what can we do about losing our rights. I believe there is nothing we actually can do until the majority get upset. That may be what the 2016 Presidential elections are about. Political Change only comes when the economy turns down. The old adage – if it ain’t broke […]

The Next Generation Pensions R Vanishing – Why The Dow May Yet Double

Since the late 1990s, the birth rate is relatively constant at 1.4 children per woman in Germany. according to the Federal Statistical Office . This is effectively the same trend among all developed nations. This eventually leads not only to the fact that the population is decreasing not only in Germany but in all developed […]

Fundamental Analysis – Always Questionable

I have warned many times that the greatest problem we face is the attempt to always reduced the event to being caused by a single fundamental as if for that instant everyone became democrat or republican. Even the criminal prosecution of  Raji Rajaratnam on insider trading is bogus for the same reason. The assumption is a single […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

Fed Double Talk or Cryptic Reality

QUESTION: “…the best way to get interest rates up is to have low interest rates” —Fed Chairman Bernanke responding to a Congressional testimony question (not today) And today: FED SAYS IT IS PREPARED TO INCREASE OR REDUCE THE PACE OF PURCHASES. So what about this double talk? What are they trying to do? Where do […]

Glass-Steagall Returns by Default

QUESTION: If Europe is imploding, general global economy slowing and there is a liquidity crunch, Why in heaven is the Fed going to start taper in september? Because of political pressure are they going to taper/rise rates and leave the Banks on their own with Has the Fed decided to really clean the system? Thank you […]

Cyprus Bail-In 47.5%

The Cyprus Bail-In seems to be coming in as 47.5%. Keep in mind that the loss is due to the banks holding debt from Greece that the EU promised would never happen. The entire European Banking System is at tremendous risk. Aside from the issue of proprietary trading that went sour as in New York, […]

Summers or Yellen

Obama’s replacement for Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has been narrowed down to a two-horse race, between Larry Summers and Janet Yellen. Summers was Obama’s chief economic adviser in the aftermath of the sub-prime crisis and Treasury Secretary under President Clinton from 1999-2001. Janet Yellen is a former President of the Federal Reserve […]

Fed Minutes Show 50% of Board Want QE To End by Year-end

The minutes of the Fed meeting are showing that we may not be talking about tapering the Quantitative Easing, we may be looking at its end. Bernanke is leaving because the Fed has no room to manipulate the economy no less interest rates. This is perhaps the greatest dissent within the Fed we have every […]