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Population Decline in Industrial Countries Requires Immigration?

The United Nations projects that over the next 50 years, the population in the industrialized world (US-Europe-Japan) will DECLINE, not expand. The population is suffering from growing old and the youth are so burdened with taxes they are not getting married (marriages off by 50%) and are not having children. The decline in birth rates […]

What Happened to the Debt Ceiling Crisis?

QUESTION:  Thank’s your down to earth’ blog updates which even ‘not economist’ will understand. My question is from US dept ceiling limits. Before this month,November, in the news was quite a lot of from this issue but after ‘D-day’ 03.11 or 05.11. Nothing happened… Or I can’t find anything from the search engine aka corporate […]

The World Economy – A Balancing Act Soon to Collapse?

  COMMENT: Dear Martin, From reading your blog and other news I can conclude that the low interest rate has failed to increase the private business activities to the level that normally would require an increase in interest rates. The arguments now are to increase interest rates to save pensions funds and to be able […]

Europe – Here we GO Again

The European economic crisis just keeps getting worse. The European Commission is now planning to pool all money for bank bailouts among nations. That means the funds set aside in Germany to weather German bank failures can be used in France. Meanwhile, the EU is preparing to relax the stability policy (austerity) because of refugees and terror. This emergency […]

EU To Crack Down on BitCoin Claiming to Prevent Terrorism

European Union countries are of course using terrorism as the excuse to now crackdown on any virtual currency claiming that anonymous payments made online and via pre-paid cards “can” be used by terrorists without any proof they even know how to use such currencies. The EU is using terrorism to crackdown on taxes without admitting […]

The Climate Change/Global Warming Crowd Paid to Produce Bullshit

Government is always about money — just show me the money. It is a shame that we have to deal with such corruption in academia. They can do as they like because they know students will get loans that they can never pay off so they teach nonsense and tell people they cannot find a […]

NSA Blames Snowden for Paris Attack

The G20 has now given its blessing to the NSA to do whatever it wants. They are blaming Snowden for the recent terror attacks, but their blame has a huge hole. The G20 entered an agreement to share ALL information on money movement for taxes purposes (as in FATCA). So even if Snowden did not […]

It Is Time to Knock off the Bullshit About Surveillance for Terrorism

The worldwide collection of phone calls, emails, and text messages is all about taxes – NOT terrorism. Despite this power, these surveillance methods have failed to prevent even one terrorist act. There was the case of the Boston Bombers, two kids using cell phones, who they failed to catch. Then there was the case when two guys […]

G20 Agrees to Share ALL Information on Everyone Starting in 2017

The Bundestag in Germany has unanimously adopted the automatic exchange of financial data with all other states. Banks will be obliged to report information on credit, interest, and dividends from 2017 to the authorities. You can no longer get a credit card outside of the country. You live to pay taxes. Nobody wants to deal […]

Testimony & Debates

Transcripts of Testimony before Congress, Debates & OpEds     Armstrong Requested for Research by Congress 1985 Letter to Ronald Reagan Armstrong Requested for Research from the Brady Commission 1987 Armstrong Warns Rubin Against Taking Dollar Down May 1997 Just Before Asian Currency Crisis Armstrong Testifies Before House Ways & Means Committee Armstrong Debates Steve […]