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Introducing Socrates Ask-Socrates is an innovative, software-as-a-service platform offering unique perspective and tools intended to help individuals and organizations better research and interpret the global economic and political environment. Utilizing proprietary models, artificial intelligence and extensive database, this platform is capable of observing every market around the world to track changes in international capital flows and concentration […]

Tax Reform

This is our Tax Reform Proposal that was presented to Congress in 1996. This set the stage for the abolishment of the Income Tax and the introduction of the Consumption Tax and the restoration of the tax system prior to Marxism. The proposal in its entirety is provided here in PDF format Parts 1 to […]

Testimony & Debates

Transcripts of Testimony before Congress, Debates & OpEds     Armstrong Requested for Research by Congress 1985 Letter to Ronald Reagan Armstrong Requested for Research from the Brady Commission 1987 Armstrong Warns Rubin Against Taking Dollar Down May 1997 Just Before Asian Currency Crisis Armstrong Testifies Before House Ways & Means Committee Armstrong Debates Steve […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024   Russia Telling Iran to Hold Back – Interview on Coffee and a Mike (9/24/2024) Interview […]

Myanmar Election

The 2004 October coup that saw Khin Nyunt replaced as prime minister amid reports of a power struggle and corruption have failed to demonstrate that corruption can be eliminated. Any country that has undergone such an event warns that the same culture is likely to return. Now in August, President Thein Sein dismissed rival Shwe Mann […]

Putin & Military Establishment

The Obama Administration’s strategy regarding Russia and foreign affairs has been a total disaster. They have remarkably brought back the Cold War and placed the world at risk, all for their power plays that American citizens ignore. This issue in Syria illustrates how once politicians make a mistake, they will never admit it, nor will […]

Civil Unrest, Revolution, & the Phase Transition Curve

Political corruption is everywhere, no matter what country we look at. Standing up for the truth will become increasingly prominent. This is part of the War Cycle – the civil unrest side. Career politicians and the mainstream media simply do not get it. They assume this is normal; no one ever said anything about them […]

The Cocktail Party

Our staff did a great job and these events are turning perhaps more into annual college reunions. All your compliments to the staff are greatly appreciated. Everyone feels that they are contributing something rather than just a job, and although these events are a lot of work, they are also rewarding for everyone. We are […]

Catalonia votes to Separate from Spain by 2017

The regional parliament of Catalonia has now approved a plan to set up a road map for independence from Spain by 2017. This is in direct defiance of the central Spanish government. The question will be: does this lead to civil war given the history of Spain? Additionally, this is a rejection of Brussels and the […]

Market Talk — November 9, 2015

On Sunday, we saw the release of some weak Chinese data (exports fell 6.9% whilst imports 18.8%) resulting in a high trade surplus of $61.64bn. The Shanghai Index closed Monday with a strong gains (+57pts +1.6%). The Nikkei also performed well in Tokyo (+377pts +1.96%) although given the slight reversal in the currency, the futures market in the […]