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Understanding Time & the Kondratieff Wave

QUESTION: Dear Martin,   I am a reader of your blog and attendee of some of your conferences. I am quite impressed about the timing of your forecasting arrays. In particular,  May 1 you published the arrays for DJIA (attached) where you showed two clusters of volatility: the weeks of 15 May and 26 June. […]

Get Ready for the Phoenix – The Reality of a One World Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you aware of the 1988 Economist article predicting that in 30 years from then we would all be using the same currency?  That is strangely your target of 2018 when you have warned that the Monetary Crisis will begin then. I met an attendee from your 1985 WEC there in Hong […]

The Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am fascinated by what you have accomplished in this model. You mentioned in your post about the Orlando conference a slingshot and phase transition, and I am trying to comprehend what that would look like exactly. Is that to say the DJIA won’t complete its advance from 2015.75 to 2018,but that […]


We have not yet broken gold for all the people writing in. So far we have elected three Weekly Bearish Reversals from the July 2016 high in gold and three Monthly Bearish Reversals. We have elected two Weekly Bearish Reversals from the high in June and fallen into the target week of July 10th and […]

North Korea – ECM & War

It was just one day after the first test of an intercontinental rocket by North Korea, that the US demonstrated military strength and threatened further sanctions against the isolated state. We have to understand that we are dealing with a pampered Kim Jong Un who will never yield to sanctions and countermeasures of rocket tests. […]

Chances Are you Are A Genius if you Read this Blog – It’s All in the Methodology

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I too watched Genius on the life of Einstein. It also left me with the same feeling that it was a parallel to your life right down to the Russian girlfriend you had that the government cancelled her visa. You both seem to have accomplished things others could not see even existed. […]

2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences This year’s Orlando World Economic Conference is going to be important. Things are shaping up political to be a real nightmare and the markets are reflecting total confusion. As we head into 2018, this may actually present not the trade of a lifetime, but the trade of several lifetimes. As they […]

Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the establishment, going head to head with the academics, and how the FBI tried to trump up charges against him to send him to prison. He also said the […]

Welcome to Deflation

People are just starting to grasp why deflation is also present in the USA. Despite all the screaming about Quantitative Easing, most remain confused why hyperinflation has not taken place. Most are Oblivious to the fact that there is a dynamic process involved that is a lot more complex than traditional economics teaches in school. Sorry, […]

The Most Hated Bull Market in History

This has been the MOST HATED BULL MARKET in history. What is fascinating is how long this current bull market has been in play yet all we hear is how it is going to collapse like 1929 and fall to dust on the floor. I have been asked for interviews because they have been unable […]