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Is Zelensky Concerned About a Coup?

There are quiet whispers inside various EU governments that Zelensky should resign. Inside Ukraine, it was highly suspicious that in January, conveniently, Ukraine’s leading officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (similar to our FBI) charged with protecting the state and the people against illegal actions by those in power all died in […]

Market Talk – May 19, 2023

ASIA:   India’s foreign exchange reserves experienced a continuous increase for the third week in a row, reaching $599.53 billion as of May 12. This level represents the highest amount since early June, according to the Reserve Bank of India’s statistical supplement released on Friday. The reserves saw a rise of $3.55 b billion compared […]

Do Some Ukrainians Realize They Are Pawns of the Neocons?

QUESTION: Do the Ukrainian people understand that they are the pawns of the Neocons? Can you confirm that Ukraine shot down Russia’s hypersonic missile? They are sacrificing innocent people on both sides in this quest to destroy Russia and take all its resources. DJ         ANSWER: This is the former adviser to […]

You Voted for a Sanctuary City

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is at a breaking point over the migrant crisis. He was in favor of the open border until buses filled with migrants, mostly military-aged men, began swarming his city. Adams was a fierce proponent of “sanctuary cities” and said all were welcome. Adams is out of options, and it has only […]

Why Ukraine Must Lose to Save the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I originally thought you were just a Putin supporter. Yet as time has gone by, it is becoming very clear that you are correct and that Zelensky is waging this war for the West to conquer Russia. His meeting with the Pope and rejecting his offer to mediate clearly established he will […]

Market Talk – May 18, 2023

ASIA:   Japan’s economy experienced a faster-than-expected recovery in the first quarter, coming out of a recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The growth was primarily driven by increased consumption following the pandemic, which helped counter the challenges posed by global economic conditions. However, concerns have arisen due to signs of a slowdown in economic […]

Durham Report Explained – Everything was a Lie

Special counsel John Durham revealed in his report that all American intelligence agencies knew the Trump-Russian collusion story was a lie. You can read the full 300-page report here. Hillary Clinton needed a way to take the heat off of her email scandal and was the mastermind behind this plot. The CIA and FBI knew […]

Market Talk – May 17, 2023

ASIA:   India’s economy is expected to grow by 5.8% in 2023, driven by strong domestic demand, although high funding costs and weak external demand pose challenges. The United Nations report also predicts a growth rate of 6.7% for India in 2024. Inflation is forecasted to decrease to 5.5% in 2023, aided by stable global […]

America Has Been Invaded

The end of Title 42 has been an absolute disaster. There is no telling how many migrants entered the border last week. These are not simply women and children seeking a new life. The majority of those entering are military-aged MEN who feel entitled to enter America illegally. These are not struggling individuals. American Door […]

Market Talk – May 16, 2023

ASIA: China’s industrial output and retail sales growth in April fell short of expectations, indicating a loss of momentum in the economy at the beginning of the second quarter. This has increased pressure on policymakers to support the post-COVID recovery. The data also revealed a further decline in property investment, raising concerns about the outlook […]