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Is Nigel Farage the Only Politician Who Can Save the Future?

On Immigration

Obfuscating Analysis

  COMMENT #1: I have watched the plagiarism going on around your work where people are clearly stealing everything from you and then claiming to have the same track record and then trying to cover it up claiming they use Dewey and Kondratiff yet attempt to come up with a specific date as your model […]

Dow/Gold Ratio

A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry, there is no way. In 1980 when gold was at $875 and the Dow was at 1,000, it was the end of a Public Wave […]

European High Court Upholds Digital Privacy

The European Court of Justice struck down the treaty that allowed U.S. companies to send data on Europeans to America, reported the Telegraph. Facebook, Google, and many other U.S. companies can now be barred from transferring private information to the U.S. if it concerns European citizens. The high court has struck down a 15-year-old data […]

A Former Climate Modeler for the Australian Greenhouse Office Says Mathematics Used by UN Overstates Global Warming by Ten-Fold

Dr. David Evans of the Australian Greenhouse Office says the mathematical model used by the United Nations is simply wrong. The underlying physics of the model is correct, but it has been applied incorrectly. Dr. Evans states that the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide (CO2) is far lower, and at best, accounts for only 20% of any claimed […]

Copyright Laws to Shut Down Websites

During an interview on InfoWars with Alex Jones, Matt Drudge said that “I had a Supreme Court Justice say to me it’s over”. Drudge said the court had enough votes to shut down websites offering news, which would make it illegal to even link to someone else’s stories. This, of course, is the fundamental foundation of […]

Merkel & the Fate of Germany

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, You are spot on: something big is happening in Germany at this very moment – just look at today’s headlines from Widerstand in der CDU gegen Merkels Einwanderungsgesetz = party internal opposition towards Merkel’s immigration policy Bundesregierung und EU-Kommission erwägen “Flüchtlings-Soli” = German Government mulls introduction of special migrants tax (Solidarity tax…..yeah….nice […]

Germany Elites Arguing to Increase Retirement to Pay for Refugees

The elites in Germany are calling for reforms due to the refugees. Hans-Werner Sinn, President of the IFO Institute for Economic Research said, “We’d better put up the retirement age to feed the refugees. The elderly are needed, moreover, to [teach] learn the refugees.” Sinn is proposing radical social reforms, stating, “We should take advantage of the […]

Immigration During an Economic Decline Is Insane!

According to the BBC, the German government has admitted that there have been almost 500 attacks on homes intended for asylum seekers this year. Politicians are clueless when it comes to managing an economy. In the USA during the 1840s, in the middle of the State Sovereign Debt Crisis, gun battles took place in many […]

The War Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that so many people try to copy your work and pretend it is their original work. The Cycle of War is a classic example. No matter how much they fudge everything, your models work to the day and that is just mind blowing. Nobody has been able to duplicate […]