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Central Banks Selling U.S. Treasuries As Fight Over Debt Looms

Central banks have been dumping U.S. Treasury bonds because of the debt ceiling problem. The Tea Party will shut down funding if they have their way. This situation illustrates the entire problem. The debt ceiling only ever rises. We will see a rise in taxation and this will help to collapse the U.S. economy and […]

German Industrial Production Collapses by 4%

The other side of 2015.75 is not going to be pretty. The German industrial production report dropped 4% from July to August versus an expected decline of 1.5%. This is a hugely alarming month-on-month drop, which happens to be the largest drop in the past five years. This new revelation is shocking since there was […]

“The Forecaster” in Greece, Canada, and Sweden

The debut of “The Forecaster” in Greece was very interesting. The live broadcast in Athens went out to 38 countries. The film has appeared on airlines crossing the Atlantic, and on TV in Canada and Sweden. The film has been successful in raising awareness on the issues we face with manipulative politics, the banks’ outrageous […]

British Govt. Posts Snipers On Building During Anti-Austerity Protest

The Manchester Evening News captured a shocking revelation: the British government placed snipers on the rooftops of buildings during an anti-austerity rally. More and more people are now starting to wake up to the abuse of government and this trend will pick up steam on the other side of 2015.75.

Money & Politics: The Corrupt System is Starting to Come to a Head

It was very refreshing to watch Dylan Ratigan lose it on TV when discussing the corrupt political system. Ratigan reminds viewers that our corrupt politicians, who are bought and paid for by special interest groups, are the reason why our government is incapable of accomplishing anything. The president cannot serve more than two terms, so why do […]

“The Forecaster” Makes National News in France

The debut of “The Forecaster” made national news in France and the Finance Minister appeared on TV in response. The fascinating aspect of this entire exercise is expanding the knowledge and awareness that there is a business cycle, its duration, and that we are facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis. Raising awareness is the only reason why I […]

Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to have models that pinpoint dates like October 7th and claim they are using the K-Wave to cover up their theft. Still they fail to understand what you […]

Market Talk – October 6th, 2015

The day for equities peaked in Europe with most core markets up around 1%. The US changed the mood early in the session as the Biotechs took their toll on the NASDAQ and within a short time the index was 1% lower. Main talking point was the weakness of the US Dollar and the recovery […]

Hamburg Is First European City to Authorize the Seizure of Private Vacant Buildings to House Migrants

In response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide temporary housing for refugees. The law will go into effect next and will last until March 2017. Despite the additional measures, many refugees will die of exposure […]

NATO Warns Russia to End Air Strikes

The BBC reported that NATO has issued a warning to Russia calling for an end to its air strikes that are targeting U.S. trained forces who have been trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Quite frankly, the U.S. policy to get rid of Assad because he is supported by Russia is absurd and seriously risks international war. Even if […]