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Chuck Schumer will not Lose – Because He is Not Running

COMMENT: I really had to laugh how many people claim they called the Trump victory in 2016 on just inuendos. The real laugh is the lastest one that claims Pelosi, Schumer, and AOC will all lose. Schumer isn’t even running until 2022. Thank you for your report. You covered Pelosi and AOC. You are the […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

Market Talk – October 19, 2020

ASIA: The IMF estimated China’s GDP will grow by 1.9 percent for all of 2020–the only major economy to inch back into positive territory in a year that saw economies around the globe tumble sharply. Chinese officials announced this week that the country’s economy grew by 4.9 percent in the third quarter, a positive sign […]

Social Media Trying to Destroy our Freedom

I was preparing to add a chapter on what is becoming the Greatest Political Manipulation in world history to the Manipulating the World Economy, which would be about the US 2020 election and the COVID-19 world lockdown to further the Great Reset. Now even Amazon is reserving its right to ban any book that is […]

2020 US Elections & Beyond Report Now Available

This is a special report that provides the forecasting arrays out for 12 years, so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously only to politicians and governments. The stakes were never this high before.

WEC attendees (in-person and virtual) will receive this report as part of their ticket purchase

2020 US Elections & Beyond

Here is the 2020 Election Forecast and Beyond. This is a special report that provides the Forecasting Arrays out for 12 years so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously to only politicians and governments. The stakes were never this high before.

Here you will see firsthand why we have been concerned that the 2020 election will be the most corrupt in American history, and people are confused about what lies ahead. This report also illustrates why we have said that there is more concern about not Trump but what comes AFTER Trump and why elections may vanish post-2024. We are already observing some government drastic suspension of civil rights around the world claiming COVID and the Democrats have pushed for mail-in ballots also claiming it is far too dangerous to leave your home to simply vote. On top of that, we have a full blow in the open coup by social media to suppress the truth and push only Biden by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Anyone can claim to have forecast the Trump victory in 2016 based on a gut feeling expressed logically for their reasons. Here the first four political models back in 2016 were all unanimous calling for a Trump victory – not my personal opinion. Only Socrates was able to forecast Trump’s victory years in advance and BREXIT. Neither was based on my personal opinion. The standard in the forecasts these days is one opinion against another. We have to move beyond that if we ever hope to see the future consistently.

This nearly 200-page report provides the models on both the prospects for Trump based on the popular vote as well as the Electoral College. Then you will find the forecasts for the combined Senate and House – Congress with the system models, technical analysis, and the cyclical Arrays. This is followed by specific sections for the Senate and Congress.

Then you will find all 50 states covered with the model forecasts for the outcome of each state.

This is the report we would provide to those in power for each election. Because of the seriousness of what we face on a political level globally, we are making this report available to everyone. Those attending the World Economic Conference in person or virtually need NOT purchase this report – it is included in your ticket price.


IMF’s New Bretton Woods Moment

COMMENT: The IMF & a new Bretton Woods? When are you going to admit that everything they are doing is because of you and your models? Fes-up! HC REPLY: I understand that it appears they have been following our models from the January 18, 2020 turning point to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and looking into […]

Where to Store your Metals

Many people have written in to ask about precious metals, what to buy, and where to store them. A number of people ask about storing at the Perth Mint or some designated metal storage facility. There are many different places for storage. However, I would not store anything with any government facility whatsoever. Even when […]

Big Bang & USA

QUESTION: Do you see the Fed moving to digital currency and perpetual bonds simultaneously with other nations? I think it would be harder to pull off here, but then again, they may have no choice. I guess they have a lot of reasons to get rid of Trump, but there’s more on the side of […]

Klaus Schwab – The New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

  So many people are really just ignorant. They think this election is about picking Trump v Biden. They are clueless because mainstream media is once again supporting this agenda of the Great Reset. Listen carefully to Schwab’s words. He expressly states “equality” which is the dream which began with Karl Marx. The New York […]