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Illinois In Deep Financial Trouble

Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza was ordered to make a “substantial” dent in a $2 billion backlog of bills owed to Medicaid providers. The courts ruled that according to the State Constitution, it cannot reduce the pension payments to state employees. What is happening in Illinois is indicative of how governments are imploding and why I […]

Bank Stocks Have a Completely New Risk

Spain’s Banco Santander is paying €1 to take over troubled rival Banco Popular, in a deal that illustrates Europe’s new system to rescue failing banks without burdening taxpayers or stressing markets. This is being cheered around the world because the shareholders lost absolutely everything. The bank which was valued in the collapse at €1.6 billion was […]

Propaganda About Global Warming

  The energy output of the sun I have reported is crashing faster than anyone expected. Normally, when the cycle has changed from global warming to global cooling, it has tended to be more gradual. It appears the energy output of the sun may be now making 100 year lows. We have seen food shortages […]

Qatar & the Rising Tensions in the Middle East – On Schedule

  Qatar is known for its ultra-modern architecture. In this respect, Doha is something to be viewed at least once in life. However, Qatar is a strict religious country that follows sharia law, in which homosexuals and adulterers face a possible death penalty, life imprisonment, or flogging. Qatar is a Salafi version of Sunni Islam, which […]

Some German Politicians Come Out Joining Trump on Climate Change Calling it “Moral Blackmail”

Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada After Trump pulled out of the Climate Accord that would not let anyone speak at the Paris Conference who disagreed with their research, now according to Reuters, the conservative Berlin circle within the CDU is also calling for a softening of the German climate policy. In a statement, the group demanded an […]

Flammable Ice

  The big story in Asia has been that China made a major breakthrough being able to extract gas from what people call “Flammable Ice” located under the South China Sea. This has been at the core of China’s insistence on controlling the area.This is an important future global energy supply and not merely a territorial […]

The Buffoons – Congress & Mainstream Media Join Forces

The manner in which the press acts and Congress, shows they are colluding to the point that they are desperately trying to get rid of Trump at all costs. However, what they are doing in the process is completing the forecast made by our model that this is the collapse in the confidence of government. […]

Asset v Money

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader and so appreciate your daily blogs, You have taught me so much about the global interconnectivity of markets and human nature of the “herd”.Thank you for your life dedication to the pursuit of Truth and justice. You are appreciated more than you know. My question is that […]

Communism Began During the French Revolution in 1793

QUESTION: Good morning Martin,recently you stated communism originated in France was wondering if you could give us a short history on that sometime.Keep up the good work as always. W ANSWER: Communism emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. Marx was introduced to the idea whereas Marx had […]

Materials For Hong Kong WEC 2017

Attendees are receiving the 2017 Cycle of War complementary and a Special Report – Gold-Guns-War, which is the most authoritative study ever undertaken to trace how gold performs in international and civil wars trace its movement through many different types of affairs. This is a report we will make available to the general public after […]