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Greek Elections – Status Quo

I am here in Parliament Square in Athens for the elections. I have been talking to a lot of people and it is really fascinating. When I ask, “Why are you voting for the same guy when he didn’t do what he was elected for?” the response is shocking, “Yeah — but nobody does what […]

Yellen Is Trapped in the Worst Nightmare Ever

Yellen has inherited a complete nightmare. Thursday’s decision to delay the long-awaited liftoff from a zero interest rate illustrates that the world economy is totally screwed. There is a lot of speculation about why the Fed seems so reluctant to “normalize monetary policy”. There are, of course, the typical domestic issues of low inflation and weak wage gains […]

Greeks Vote Again – Why Bother?

I am here in Athens for the elections this weekend. I must state, at this point in the game it appears to be Greek theater with Brussels pulling the strings and the politicians merely playing parts. Whoever governs is almost a moot point for it seems that the political forces are not interested in an […]

Boehner Losing Control with 2015.75

The Speaker of the House has clearly overstayed his welcome. He is one of the most disliked Republican leaders of all time. One anti-Boehner Republican said a chairman had asked him not to call for a vote on a motion to vacate the chair until Pope Francis, invited to address Congress by the Catholic speaker, makes […]

FORECASTER Playing in Paris for the Next Several Weeks

“The Forecaster” (L’ORACLE) debut was on the Champs–Élysées in Paris, one block from the Arc de Triomphe. In France, the film also made the nightly news and the interesting aspect was that the Finance Minister appeared and the journalist questioned him about the forecast for the Sovereign Debt Crisis. After saying no one can forecast, he then declared his own forecast that the […]

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave, even though they never lived in the USA nor have they consumed anything for which they should contribute their “fair share”. Taxes are simply owed to government to […]

Sovereign Debts: How Defaults May Unfold

In the Middle East, the banks are trying to convince the Gulf States to begin issuing debt even if there is no need to borrow, simply so they have a market to trade. Governments should never listen to bankers for this always becomes a conflict of interest with respect to national debts. The sooner government wakes up […]

Fed Makes Same Mistake as It Did in 1927

The Federal Reserve yielded to international pressure, making the very same mistake that it made during 1927. Back then, there was a secret meeting and the Fed agreed to lower U.S. rates to try to help Europe to deflect capital inflows back to Europe. The exact opposite unfolded in the aftermath when even more money abandoned Europe […]

Chile Earthquake & Solar Storms

An 8.8 earthquake hit Chile after a magnetic storm. NASA reported: “Sunspot AR2415 is increasingly active on Sept. 17 and appears poised to produce a moderately strong M-class solar flare. Any eruptions today would be geoeffective because the sunspot is facing Earth.” There may be a link between major earthquakes and these geomagnetic storms. A geomagnetic storm is indeed a very […]

Do You Believe in God?

I was asked an interesting question: “Do you believe in God?” I think most people believe in some form of a higher being and the exact form will differ around the world. Whatever the religion, there is a common theme – do unto others as you would have them do to you. Even back in Ancient […]