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UNITED STATES v. ZICHETTELLO 208 F3d 72 (2d Cir 2000)

UNITED STATES v. ZICHETTELLO 208 F3d 72 (2d Cir 2000) UNITED STATES of America, Appellee, v. Thomas ZICHETTELLO, Defendant, Frank Richardone, Ronald Reale, Richard Hartman, James J. Lysaght, and Peter Kramer, Defendants-Appellants. Docket Nos. 98-1376(L), 98-1377, 98-1378, 98-1379, 98-1380. Argued June 8, 1999 — March 30, 2000 Before: WINTER, Chief Judge, OAKES, and SACK, Circuit […]

Stagflation – Higher Unemployment with Inflation

The Disappointing jobs growth showing poor figures boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve will act to stimulate the economy next week. The nonfarm payrolls report, which showed job growth of only 96,000 last month, came a day after bold action by Europe to stem the debt crisis drove the US share markets higher with the […]

Debt is Destroying Everything.

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 19th, 2012 Debt is Destroying Everything. Where is Common Sense When We Need it the Most? By Martin Armstrong  This whole Sovereign Debt Crisis is starting to look like Nero playing the fiddle as Rome burns. We have to realize that Western society is at the breaking point […]

Gold & The Computer

Many people have been writing about the computer forecast for gold on the monthly level and are astonished how it can write a report on time. TIME is an entirely different dimension and it must be respected as a entirely separate field. No individual is capable of forecasting the future with consistency. Perhaps there was […]

Is the End Near?

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 16th, 2012 The Mayan Discovery of Time WELL there has been a flood of questions about the statement regarding the Maya in my recent post: “Sadly the Maya 2012 target will not put us out of our misery. We will survive the hype.” The book I am finishing […]

Maximinus I -235-238 AD

Maximinus I 235-238 AD Maximinus I (235-238AD) is said to have been the first soldier who rose through the ranks to become Emperor. He was also from Thrace in Greece and is said to have been a shepherd before joining the army. With Hindsight, many considered that he was really a barbarian whose parents merely […]

WEC Agenda

World Economic Conference Agenda The fall we will be providing three World Economic Conferences around the world with much smaller audiences to enable questions, discussions, and interaction. This is being done to make for a much more personalized experience. Instead of 300 attendees as was the case in Philadelphia, this will be small groups to […]

The Rapidly Approaching Demise of Japan

  Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these complex markets. Don’t trade with money you […]

We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 4th, 2012 We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown Why We Need Gold in Times like This I have never been one to yell fire in a crowded movie. But this is getting absolutely ridiculous.  The global economy is in such a tailspin and […]

The Rapidly Approaching Demise of Japan

  Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved   Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these complex markets. Don’t trade with […]