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Market Talk – October 16, 2020

ASIA: Chinese cotton mills have been told to stop using Australian cotton, deepening fears that Australian produce is being specifically targeted by the Chinese government. Chinese processors set import quotas each year by the Chinese Communist Party but have been verbally warned by the National Development Reform Commission that they will have their intake cut […]

A Video Going Viral   I have spoken with a black inmate who I knew who was a decent person. He was released because of Trump, and he confirmed that Trump is more respected than Obama who did nothing for prison reform. It is very interesting the stereotype of blacks created by the Democrats to convince them that […]

Merkel Crushes the Right to Protest & US to Withdraw All Troops from Germany

In France, Macron announced a 9 PM curfew for Paris and an 8 PM curfew in other cities. In Germany, Merkel is digging in her feet because she knows she will not run again. In my mind, this raises serious questions that she has been bribed. There is way too much evidence that people in […]

They are Banning Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas

Perhaps people will wake up soon and see that while they have turned COVID-19 into an issue to try to defeat Trump, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Restrictions will continue well into 2021 and they are planning to keep this up to save the planet. They have already called off Halloween. Fauci […]

Market Talk – October 15, 2020

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation slowed in September, driven by a moderation in food price gains. The consumer price index rose 1.7% last month from a year earlier, following a 2.4% gain in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said Thursday. The median forecast was for a 1.9% increase. The producer price index registered a 2.1% […]

Twitter & Facebook Censoring the Truth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You went from the most renowned economist in the world to a conspiracy theorist and now you are being regarded as the guy who really had the sources about the virus. Your sources about Russia and Ukraine turned out to be true. Your career is a cycle in itself. It has taught […]

Democrats Amend the Constitution

  It is very interesting how the Democrats are introducing a Constitutional Amendment to create a body that will remove a president because of his inability to fulfill the office. Nancy Pelosi clearly states that this has nothing to do with President Trump. Indeed, it could not be for an Amendment to the Constitution requires […]

Why the Delay of the Durham Report? Intentional?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: I am discouraged but even more angry about the non-action of the Justice Dept. And the drip drip drip of the Russian investigation documents that seem to imply a corrupt CIA, State Dept, FBI, the previous White House etc. etc. I see this issue as the way to elect a new administration and […]

Judge Amy Coney Barrett vows to Follow Justice Scalia

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett intends to honor her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia in her opening speech to the Senate. As I have explained, candidates for the Supreme Court NEVER appeared before the Senate until 1925 when one senator objected because he was being investigated. Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the […]

COVID v Flu & Very Dangerous People

What is becoming increasingly clear is that those in strategic power countries have been bribed to impose lockdowns etc, and other countries have followed their lead assuming they are correct. The Flu deaths and real COVID are about the same. Governments have NEVER shut down the world economy for the Flu. It is obvious that […]