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If the Majority Must Always Be Wrong – Can that Ever Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you say the majority must always be wrong. I read Kenneth Rogoff’s comment on Davos and how the predictions there are always wrong. Do you think this can ever change or is it just how it works? ANSWER: Yes, I reported on that comment by Rogoff. The MAJORITY must always […]

Civil Unrest in Oregon – Communist Uprising is USA?

  We have succeeded in moving close toward the Civil Unrest that can erupt into civil war. In Oregon on the Communist May Day holiday,  anti-Trump factions who are calling themselves now “anarchists” have turned violent.  They threw rocks, smoke bombs and just about anything they could at police officers during a May Day rally. Thousands […]

North Korea – Beware of Internal Events

QUESTION: Marty; I find it really amazing how your computer picked Ukraine, then Syria, and then you said in an interview that you regard Korea as the most dangerous of the three. Is this all cyclical based? Thanks Looking forward to Hong Kong PL ANSWER: Yes. We feed all information into the system that is […]

Kim Jong-un The Kid Whose Father Never Spanked – Why 2017 Is The Crisis Year For Korea

QUESTION: Kim Jong-un is clearly a mad-kid, not even a man. You have said the danger with him is he thinks he could actually win against the United States and South Korea. Now Trump want’s South Korea to pay $1 billion for a missile defense system. That does not seem to be a lot of money these […]

The Dow Jones for the Close of April 2017

QUESTION:  Mr.Armstong in the past you talked of a down trun in the market in May.Since Trums TAX you have gave the impression everything is ok till 2018 is that correct? THANK YOU SM ANSWER: There has not appeared to be a condition where one would warn of a crash in the stock market. The […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]

Trump Keeps His Pledge on Tax Reform

A lot of emails are coming in asking if I have been advising Trump on the taxes since this is similar to the plan I proposed when I testified before Congress. The answer is no. If they took the tax proposals we had worked on with members of Congress back in the nineties, who knows. […]

Le Pen Seeks to Broaden Her Support

French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says she is temporarily stepping down as head of her National Front party. She is still in the race, just attempting to distance herself a bit more from her party to broaden her appeal. The May 7 run-off between herself and Emmanuel Macron, will be interesting for it is a test […]

If US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show

The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The polls are actually showing that Trump would win a greater margin today than last year. This is interesting for it is confirming the collapse in government with Big […]

Raising Highway Speeding Tickets to 175% of Your Weekly Income

A word to the wise. Any American traveling to Europe, you are better off hiring a limo driver or call Uber than drive yourself. In Europe, they have speed cameras everywhere. If you are 1 KM over the speed limit in Switzerland, the camera goes off and you have a fine. It’s not like America […]