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The Great Reset

The Great Reset may go down as the most important book, perhaps with hindsight. I will be adding to it over the next month with a section reviewing the demise of every economy that has ever tried to impose precisely what they are doing now. We need not just look at Russia and China or […]

Market Talk – July 6, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the UK not to interfere with Hong Kong following Beijing’s imposition of a sweeping new national security law. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming said the UK’s offer of a path to citizenship for up to three million Hong Kongers amounted to “gross interference.” British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab rejected the accusation. Earlier, a […]

Great Reset – We have Expanded it & Its Available Now No Charge for those who Purchased Already

The Great Reset Report is now available in the store. For our clients, this is available in a download PDF  $29.95 because it is very important to understand who is behind this entire Coronavirus Scam and what are the objectives. This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not […]

Market Talk – July 2, 2020

ASIA: The US Senate has approved a final version of legislation that would punish China for moves that lawmakers fear will crush democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. The move by lawmakers comes as China has passed a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that lends Beijing sweeping new powers over the semi-autonomous city. The […]

The Great Reset now Available for Download

The Great Reset Report is now available in the store. For our clients, this is available in a download PDF  $29.95 because it is very important to understand who is behind this entire Coronavirus Scam and what are the objectives. This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not […]

The Great Reset

This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.

We are facing massive unemployment as they wipe out industry and continue to try to keep people locked down to reduce CO2. For two months, Britain needed less electricity and they shut down coal plants. There is a fleet of cars that remain unsold and even Hertz was forced into bankruptcy. They have shut down tourism and Southern Europe will not survive without massive bailouts blowing the entire debt situation to insanity.

There are even two types of vaccines they have been developing. The first is the standard where they inject you with a portion of the virus. But Gates has also funded vaccines that operate totally differently. They are targeting your genetic DNA to alter it under the pretense it will prevent COVOD-19.

Most people do not realize that former Chancellor  Helmut Kohl of Germany who admitted he acted like a dictator to create the Euro denying the German people any right to vote on the question, was caught in 2000 with massive bribes he had taken and the CDU even distanced itself from him. When he died, there were accounts in Switzerland with millions of undisclosed and cash transactions in parking lots. All of this corruption created the Euro outside any democratic process. This is the very same strategy being employed and politicians embrace this agenda against the people and many will be shown to have also taken bribes.

This report dives into every aspect and documents their agenda from calling for a 400% increase in taxation and providing Guaranteed Basic Income for those they put out of work to stay home and just watch TV on a minimal subsistence.

Welcome to the New Green Socialist World Order they're strategically marketing as the Great Reset. This is probably the most outrageous political strategy every devised to deliberate defraud everyone of any human rights that will only exist at their pleasure. There has been no greater diabolical pilot perhaps in human history.


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Market Talk – July 1, 2020

ASIA: The United States stepped in to stall a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) statement pushed hard by China on this week’s Karachi terror attack. This is in light of India’s reservations over the Imran Khan government’s efforts to politicize the attack at the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Officials said that there was a good chance […]

The Most Corrupt Election in History

The Democrats have taken control of Virginia and already we see this pervasive move to corrupt the election process in the United States by NOT requiring any photo ID to vote. I have stated before that I had the mandate from Hong Kong to try to negotiate with the Australian government to buy land before […]

Market Talk – June 30, 2020

ASIA: China has passed a wide-reaching national security law for Hong Kong, which many fear could be used to override existing legal processes and further erode the city’s civil and political freedoms. Beijing’s top lawmaking body, the National People’s Congress (NPC), passed the law unanimously on Tuesday morning local time, bypassing Hong Kong’s legislature, Chinese […]

Market Talk – June 29, 2020

ASIA: A new strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been identified in China by scientists. It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say. The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and […]