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Europe – The Greatest Threat to World Economy

  The German Revolution of 1918 that brought to power the Weimar Republic, had actually invited the Russian Communists to come take control of Germany. This is why Germany went into hyperinflation. ALL wealth went into hoarding. There was nothing to be found anywhere. The new government was unable to sell any bonds because who […]

Dollar – Trade – Reserves

QUESTION: In your most recent post you mention dollar demand off setting Fed Printing. But fairly often we hear about new international trade agreements that have excluded the dollar. How does this figure into the equation of dollar demand? ANSWER: Trade agreements are actually irrelevant. That is separate and distinct from reserves and the huge amount of dollar […]

Maastricht Treaty PROTOCOLS

  PROTOCOLS   PROTOCOL ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN DENMARK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to settle certain particular problems relating to Denmark, HAVING AGREED UPON the following provision, which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Treaty, Denmark may maintain the existing legislation on the […]

EMU Convergence Criteria

EMU Convergence Criteria privided by Princeton Economic Institute     Inflation: A price performance that is sustainable and an average rate of inflation, observed over a period of one year before the examination, that does not exceed by more than 1.5% that of, at most, the three best-performing member states in terms of price stability.Public […]

The 1987 Crash

The 1987 Crash The 1987 Crash also became known as Black Monday referring to Monday October 19th, 1987. It was a fateful day when the US stock market crashed, creating a wave of confusion as capital and government failed to grasp the real underpinnings of currency. The 1987 Crash came precisely to the day on […]

Bad Banks

QUESTION: “When you comment on the banks, are you referring to FIDELITY INVESTMENTS?” ANSWER: No. The banks you want to stay away from are the big money center banks in New York that engage in proprietary trading. Although they like to pretend they are smart, they are really trading with inside info. They constantly look […]

Correlations & Who Is To Blame

QUESTION: If the dollar rises, does that not mandate a gold decline or can they rally together? ANSWER: Although everything is cast in this world as some sort of direct cause and effect, that is our problem associated with linear thinking since it just does not work that way.The world is really dynamic and that […]


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its experience after the Communist Revolution in 1918 during the early 1920s. The United States has been scared to death about another deflation as in the Great Depression and chooses to […]

Hitmen That Killed Cyprus

The EU Commission is now engaging in Financial Terrorism for they are the new Hit-Men. They deliberately targeted Cyprus from all the info we have coming from behind the curtain SOLELY because they wanted their banking system destroyed and amazingly, the politicians in Cyprus sold their own country out, after moving their own money to […]

Will Pension Funds Be the Target after 2016 to Seize for Our Protection?

There are actually people hinting behind the curtain that the Feds should take over all pension plans. I suppose they can then manage them like they do Social Security. Will this age of caring so much for us ever end? They are looking at more than $5 trillion there. The next crisis after 2016, who […]